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Date: 25th March 2023
Test Centre: Silk Road International University of Tourism
Venue/City: Samarkand
Examiner: A man aged approximately 45-50 (Don't know his name)
Exam type: Speaking/Writing/Reading/Listening

Part 1:
-My studies

Part 2:
Describe a website that you constantly use #29
- How often u use it
- Why you use it

Part 3:
- Related to part 2

P.S: Speaking exam was not too tough. Examiner was supportive and quite polite. Stay confident and confidence is the ultimate therapy. BTW, the questions examiner asked for part 3 was not included in the APP.

P.S2: When it comes to main test, listening was the same as Cambridge except part 3.
Part 1 Note completion (3 words or a number) about a woman who lose her some properties in a train
Part 2 MCq and matching
Part 3 also MCq and matching
Part 4 Note completion (one word/number) about Suffron plant

Reading section 1 and 2 were not difficult but 3 was tough.
Passage 1: T/F/NG and note completion about British canal system in 18th century
Passage 2: Which para contains, Matching names and completion
Passage 3: Matching headings, matching names and Matching endings

Task 1: Pie charts
Task 2: Money is the only reason behind hardworking

Well done

Thanks for sharing!!!
