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Redmi Note 4 (Mido) Downloads

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Logo of telegram channel rn4downloads — Redmi Note 4 (Mido) Downloads
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Channel address: @rn4downloads
Categories: Uncategorized
Language: English
Subscribers: 11.64K
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The latest Messages 30

2021-06-17 12:53:10 Fussion Kernal 4.9
Kernel Version : 4.9.273
By @Alone0316

17 June 2021

Normal | OC


Channel: @fkupdates

Credits and special thanks to @zeelog , @jennifer1436 and all my testers

#fussionkernel #fusion #kernel

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customization | @rn4photography
616 viewskapil, 09:53
Open / Comment
2021-06-16 20:56:22 Derpfest Official
Android 11



Device Changelog:-
- Fix SMS bug
- Switch back to olive V10.3.5.0.PCNCNXM thermal blobs by @krasCGQ
- Fix USB Preferences
- Build with Clang 12.0.6
- Fix ok Google
- Add Back Live Display

Source Changelog :-
- Merged June Security Patch (11.0.0_r38)
- Synced with latest Lineage FOD source
- Reapplied and improved fingerprint animations
- DerpQuest: Separated FOD to a own category
- Implemented animated FOD icon picker
- LockscreenCharging: Fixed up jank and brought in °F/°C toggle
- Reworked Statusbar clock customization
- Reapplied Multi SIM ringtone settings
- Added lock pattern grid size settings
- Added pattern visibility settings
- Added Fingerprint authentication vibration toggle
- Updated notification count icons
- Introduced Custom Statusbar Signal & Wi-Fi icons
- Settings: Switched to ListPreference instead of DropDownPreference
- Settings: Switched to MD2 icon for Playstore
- LiveDisplay: Added color mode preview from AOSP Settings
- Reduced size of alternative derp logo
- Fixed time refresh capabilities of custom clocks
- Sorted QS tiles in alphabetical order
- Improved PowerShare QS tile
- Added Language toggle QS tile
- Added QS tile to show power menu
- Added QS tile to show volume panel
- Reticker: Removed some logging
- reTicker: Add youtube to blacklisted apps to avoid getting a null notification
- Let legacy apps scale fully to the display's aspect ratio
- Changed heads up ticker text style to match clock
- BatteryMeterView: Fixed logcat warning spam
- Keyguard: Fixed mapping mismatch between KeyEvent and NumPadKey
- Made scramble PIN layout Multi-User friendly
- Added Lockscreen quick unlock
- Removed Pin dividers layout entirely
- QSconfig: Re-distribute tiles on changing orientation
- Hide keyguard when SIM transitions to READY
- Fod: Aod content should move only in Y
- Added Screen off fod
- FODCircleView: Hide FOD while going to sleep and make it conditionally
- Add lockscreen background blur
- Fixed Lockscreen media art switch
- Made center clock layout safe insets aware
- Added Status bar notification ticker
- Brought back music ticker
- Added StatusBar Lyric toggle
- Fixed order of custom clock and Carrier label
- Added back accessibility setting in system
- Added video to power button flashlight gesture
- Fixed up the check if we have any color modes declared in overlay
- Reduced size a little of some custom WiFi/Signal icons
- VolumePanelStyles: Added upstream changes
- Fixed AOSPExpanded plugin crash with Swift Installer
- Fixed infinite expanding and apply unlinking to MIUI panel
- Switched to sha256 checksum


Tested by :- @Vastrolorde & @c0ndemned
Now you can Flash Sleepy Kernel

Wanna buy a cup of coffee
Paypal - Erickeagle334
UPI - erickeagle334@okaxis

#rom #derpfest #q #android10 #androidq

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customisation | @rn4photography
1.2K viewskapil, edited  17:56
Open / Comment
2021-06-15 21:34:48 ConquerOS Unofficial
Android 11
by BH36B



Device CL
• Update fingerprint to Redfin June
• Fix bug sim setting
• SELinux Enforcing
• Kernel version is 4.9

Source CL
- Bumped to 4.3
-May Security Patch
-Source Upstream
- Redesigned About Phone
- Redesigned Settings Dashboard
- Redesigned ConquerOS Features Dashboard
- Redesigned default Settings preference style.
- Added ConquerOS Themer
- Added Long Screenshot
- Added long press power button to enable flashlight
- Added option to hide lock icon on lockscreen
- Hide lock icon while dozing
- Added 404 IDE, 404 Sammy, and Shapeshift Clock Face
- Added Oxypink, Oixel Blue, Neon Carrot, and Blueline accent color
- Show LTE+/4G+ if possible
- Reduced UI corner roumd radius
- VoLTE icon enabled by default
- Fixed exFat
- Improvement for libe blur
- Added new wallpaper
- Now Prebuilt Google Apps support added
- Fixed QS Panel glitch on devices with small display/lower resolution
- May Security patch merged eith QSSI 1220 Tag.
- Allow strictMode for eng build only
- Enable Permission Hub 2.0
- Use OOS Silent Icon on status bar
- Now you can prevent Battery Saver from reduce display refresh rate
- Some improvement for QS Panel detail and UI
- Some improvement for System Navigation
- Some Improvement for Package manager
- Moved Battery Graph to Main Battery Info fragment


• Not Include GApps
• Navigasi Gesture Not Working

Credits and Thanks:
• Thanks to #GengKapak and many more for their support

#rom #conqueros

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customization | @rn4photography
2.1K viewskapil, 18:34
Open / Comment
2021-06-14 20:17:19 Pixel experience plus unofficial
Android P
by @Posudik


Download: MEGA
Kernel: 3.18

• June security patch
• PixMi Audio Engine v1.

If you want to support me: Patreon

#pe #pixmi #rom

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customization | @rn4photography
2.0K viewskapil, 17:17
Open / Comment
2021-06-14 20:12:22 dotOS Official
Android 11
by Mohan C M



Source CL
June security patches (Android11 r38)
Fixed some Filemanager apps crashing when MonetWannabe is enabled
Fixed Lockscreen visualizer
Fixed Silky UI not adaptive in some parts of Settings
Fixed Network traffic on statusbar
Added screen off animations toggles
Added navibar invert layout feature
Fixed issues related to media notification being persistent even after exiting app.
Improved Wallpaper section (Customization)
Add TouchScreen Gestures (only supported devices)


Support Me:
PayPal | Patreon

#dotos #rom #r

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customization | @rn4photography
1.9K viewskapil, 17:12
Open / Comment
2021-06-14 20:05:37 Nusantara Project | 11 R
@Rafiester, @Nicklas373



Source CL
• June security patch android•11.0.0_r38
• Added Sound tile
• Added option to record for longer
• Added LTE tile
• Added Adaptive charging
• Added runtime UI background blur
• Added Statusbar Ticker
• Added back signature spoofing
• Added hiding lock icon on lockscreen
• Added Flashlight blink on incoming calls customization
• Added support set volume for app
• Added toggle volume for app
• Added OSS 11 volte icon
• Added statusbar NFC icon
• Added notification Blur
• Added lockscreen Blur
• Added live volume step
• Added power menu background opacity
• Added back aosp settings style layout
• Added lottie animation for settings
• Added unlocking fingerprint only on power button press
• Added NusantaraPapers on Theme Picker
• Clean up omnistyle header image
• Explicitly make SBC Dual Channel an optional (HD) codec
• Fix label tint for random color
• Fixed google sans font
• Improvment QS Detail layout
• Improvment volume dialog code
• Improvment settings layout
• Improvment gaming mode
• Improvment toast notification
• Improvment network traffic layout
• Remove glassy themes
• Remove device hostname


Credits: Thanks to my testers
Support Maintainer : Paypal | Saweria

#rom #nusantara

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customization | @rn4photography
1.9K viewskapil, 17:05
Open / Comment
2021-06-11 21:47:45 CherishOS Official
Android: 11
by @hungphan2001


Download - Gapps Build

Source CL
• Merged June Security Patch
• Introduced dynamic VoLTE & VoWiFi icons
• Updated translation from crowdin
• Added VOOC charging support
• Added Mobile Data and Bluetooth panel
• Added color mode preview from AOSP Settings in livedisplay
• Improved LiveDisplay work fine
• Added Octavi's lockscreen clock
• Added VPN tile
• Added Sync tile
• Improved VolumePluginManager
• Added StatusBar Lyric Ticker
• Fixed NPE when using PictureAdjustmentController
• Added Status bar notification ticker
• Lockscreen: Maked Pinview Divider invisible
• Added Lockscreen album art filter
• Removed divider between QS tiles and media player
• Added option to auto hide status-bar clock
• Introduced FontService(work fine in 3rd apps)
• Added Android 12 Dark Themes
• Added ColorBucket themes(find it in dark mode)
• Improved Type (Alt) clock
• Added Squary Clock
• Added setting custom symbol near text on charging
• Added Custom Statusbar Signal & Wi-Fi icons
• Added toggle for 60Hz refresh rate on battery saver
• notch-city: Add 3 mode display cutout handler
• Added option app icon in NotificationHeaderViewWrapper togglable
• Added option colored Statusbar Icons optional
• Added power menu background opacity
• Enabled recents text selection for Pixel Launcher users
• PackageInstaller : Redesigned based on DotOS 5.1
• Improved about phone UI checkout from Dot
• Fixed SSOS clock thumbnail preview
• Fixed font not work after reboot
• Fixed small clock in some clocks
• Removed AOSP Fonts from LS Clock ,Carrier ,traffic....
• Improved other systems


Notes :
OTA only work with Gapps Build

• @c0ndemned For testing

#cherish #cherishos #rom

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customization | @rn4photography
1.2K viewskapil, 18:47
Open / Comment
2021-06-10 19:37:47 ExtendedUI R v2.6 Official
Personal Build
By @smokey_18
Build Date: 10 June 2021


Source Changelogs:
• Merge June Patch
• Also add usr/include/audio to include path
• Updated dark mode colors
• Removed some unrequired dividers in some sections
• Avoid double ripple in QS detail view
• Explicitly make SBC Dual Channel an optional (HD) codec
• Use matching padding on both sides of QS detail title
• Don't assign codecs to a size fixed array
many fixes, improvements, and many more...

maybe I forgot something :P


· As Official development is closed so, It's a Personal build that I
according to my taste and usage.
• Kernel is 4.9.26x Scarlett ( Just Renamed Perf Kernel)
• Recommended Magisk: Magisk v22
• Dirty Flash is Fine
• Recommended Recovery: Kud Recovery or Orange Fox • Recommended Gapps: FlameGapps
• Gapps aren't included

#rom #extendedui

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customization | @rn4photography
571 viewskapil, 16:37
Open / Comment
2021-06-10 16:34:52 Lineage OS 18.1 Unofficial
by zeelog



Download : Link
Don't mirror download links.

- June security patch
- Synced latest LineageOS sources as of 10 June 2021
- Synced kernel with latest CAF Tag, Google's android-4.9 and WLAN Prima as of 10 June 2021
- Merged latest CAF tags as of 10 June 2021
- Fix Dirac Tile long press action
- Add Dirac Bass Booster preset
- Add option to disable QS on secure lockscreen
- Add vibration haptic strength options (Settings>Accessibility)
- Kernel: Update Wireguard

Support my efforts: Donate to Zeelog

Gapps: OTA Works perfect
Flame Gapps June 06 recommended Link
Mindgapps : Works Great too. Preferred by LoS Team Link

#los #lineageos #lineage #rom

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customization | @rn4photography
1.1K viewskapil, edited  13:34
Open / Comment
2021-06-09 14:35:26 ShapeShift OS Official
Android 11
by @ArixElo



Mirror: My FTP Server

Group: @arixelogroup

-Initial Official build with Gapps, no vanilla support,
- It has XiaomiParts 3.0 (but in System section in settings),
-Uses Sleepy Kernel, but with fixed vibration control for XiaomiParts.


#rom #shapeshift #shapeshiftos

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customisation | @rn4photography
1.3K viewskapil, 11:35
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