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Arizona GOP Chair Kelli Ward SLAMS Corrupt Election Officials | Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay

Arizona GOP Chair Kelli Ward SLAMS Corrupt Election Officials for “Violating” State Law; Says America’s Audit is “Holding Them Accountable”

On Wednesday, Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward wrote a scathing commentary that hammered corrupt election officials who are “working against the will of the people” to obstruct the historic full forensic audit taking place in the state.

Ward even posits a new name for the sellouts, like corrupt AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, calling them “Electocrats.”

The must-read piece, which was posted to the AZGOP website, explains how the power-hungry bureaucracy has turned one of our most sacred rights, free and fair elections, into what she calls the “election industry.” 

“Recently, a clear pattern has emerged. When bureaucracies have their actions examined, they first declare themselves to be the experts. They then are deeply offended that anyone would question their authority. Then they proceed to marginalize anyone who continues to challenge them. The corporate media and Big Tech aids them in a smear and indignation campaign.

Now we are finding the same pattern when it comes to election integrity and the Establishment that surrounds our elections industry. And it is just that, an industry.”

Like most Americans who are concerned with election fraud, Ward feels that it’s “common sense” to go back and thoroughly review what happened in the election. This unfortunately was not the case. Once a forensic audit was mentioned, the authoritarians went into “overdrive” to stop it from happening.

“The full forensic audit of the Maricopa County 2020 General Election, commissioned by the Arizona State Senate, has had a bullseye painted on its back by the Electocrats from the start.”

The GOP Chairwoman also points out how the Arizona audit has already found thousands of fraudulent ballots that did not have the required serial number on them – a clear violation of Arizona State Statutes (A.R.S. section 16-621), and even the Arizona Elections Procedures Manual (p.202). 

These ballots alone are nearly enough to completely wipe out the less than 10,500 votes Biden allegedly won Arizona by. 

She acknowledges that the 2020 election was “unique” due to the circumstances surrounding Covid-19 and the mass mail-in ballots that were a result of the forced lockdowns, but says that doesn’t excuse or explain the county officials constant refusal to cooperate and the multiple serious violations of state laws they committed.

Ward specifically calls out Secretary of State Katie Hobbs for the debauchery, saying that despite her being one of the most vocal critics of the current election integrity efforts, she is “wholly unconcerned” by repeated violations of election law and is actively “working against the will of the people.”

This commentary by the leader of the AZGOP is a great sign for the upcoming audit results. It signals that the party has confidence there will be substantial findings later this month when the final report is released, which ward alluded to in closing.

“Elections are too important to leave up to the Electocrats, and America’s Audit is holding them accountable.”

It’s way past time to hold them accountable.

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