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I perhaps should have spoken to my family more over the last y | UK Patriots Against Lockdown

I perhaps should have spoken to my family more over the last year. My mother would always think the truth is being silenced. But I never held this opinion or this analysis.

The key phrase of 2021 was "narrative bifurcation". The point wasn’t to hide the truth; it was to create the conditions whereby only outlaws would speak the truth. Which, in large part explains Trump; he wasn’t afraid of being called a bigot, a Nazi, a white supremacist or whatever. The narcissist didn't give a dam.

The media fired the kitchen sink at Trump. They tried to find something which would stick. But his impulsive lies where more trustworthy than the carefully scripted lies of Clinton. Trump of course (in every way) ran against the liberal hegemony that’s been rampant in the last 50 years. His true nemesis wasn’t Hillary. It was Bill and the Sustainable Development Goals of 1991.

Information warfare is exceptionally powerful. I am trying to understand the great gaslighting but I would like to make the case that the below two sentences doesn't make anyone an ally of Putin.

1) The west thinks its measures are benign in incorporating NATO.
2) Great powers are sensitive to the potential threats near their home territory.

Nor should Putin bad, endorse what structural issues may lie within a corrupt Ukraine and a complicated geopolitical battle.

What I will say is the banning of RT in the UK was a mistake. I don’t just mean a strategic mistake (Russia banned the BBC the next day). I mean I serious mistake, how do you deal with bad ideas? You let them be heard and tell a better story. I thought it was the counter ideals of (so-called) western society that banned ideas they don’t want to be heard?