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The first step we take is to notice that what we call ‘I’, our | تفحص خویش

The first step we take is to notice that what we call ‘I’, our essential self, is simply the experience of being aware or awareness itself, and nothing that we are aware of is essential to us.
Thoughts, images, feelings, activities and relationships are continuously appearing and disappearing, but I alone remain. So ‘I’, the experience of being aware or awareness itself, is the one constant factor in all changing experience.
The body and the mind are objects of our experience. They are known by us; they do not do the knowing or the experiencing. Only awareness is aware.
If we allow our peace and our happiness to depend upon and fluctuate with the content of our experience, we will be miserable most of the time, punctuated by brief moments of respite
Don’t allow your peace to be the hostage of experience.
#RupertSpira The Essential Self