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Ended up working pretty much the entire time I was on ‘holiday | Sheep-Free Zone👻

Ended up working pretty much the entire time I was on ‘holiday’, utilised the free time to begin preparations for a big year with the Innovation family and also start working on some new content, projects and more for you all. Will be much more active in here once again. Here to share my usual thoughts and help each and every one of you achieve great success this year

Crypto Outlook on YouTube will be available this week as well

More importantly, I started writing the sequel to the BTC/Tether Document ‘The Illusion of a Decentralized Ecosystem’ whilst on holiday and have made very good progress already. This will be something I’ll continue working on in the background and will of course be available to everyone. This book will continue where the original left off and put more focus on who is likely behind BTC, what ‘their’ intention for BTC was and how this all evolves into a very interesting future... both good and bad. Will be digging a little deeper down the rabbit hole on this one