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Every day this country is filled with incredible violence. B | SolarHoboism

Every day this country is filled with incredible violence.

Burning cars crashed on deadly highways. Disabled elders rolled out of hospitals to die in the street. Unhoused people’s homes and lifesaving possessions crushed under bulldozers. Tasering, beating, and shooting by cops.

Rampant domestic abuse, child abuse, sex abuse.

Violent evictions, forced starvation, deaths of despair.

Workers threatened, abused, and stolen from by their bosses.

Immigrants deprived, brutalized, caged up, and killed.

BIPOC targeted, harassed, swat’ed, arrested, murdered.

Queer people harassed, persecuted, prosecuted, and killed.

Ubiquitous torture against detained and incarcerated people. Starvation, exposure, rape, overdose, withdrawal, beating, murder.

Vast slave labor in prison farms and prison factories, trafficked workers.

Nearly everyone suffering illness and injury kept from medical care. Over a million dead from Covid medical neglect. Chronic illnesses and injuries everywhere.

And every day the violence gets worse.

Every year is a new record for police murder and police brutality.

20% more people die every day compared to just a few years ago. And the deaths keeps rising. Everything keeps rising.

Climate apocalypse, also the violence of this system, has really started to set in: killing thousands in climatic events and exposing refugees to the some of the worst violence this system has to offer.

This system, which calls any resistance or push back “violent,” is nothing but violence and abuse and control.

The moments when we seem to recognize this, when people mobilize to fight against the rising tide, seem almost arbitrary.

Every day brings a thousand tragedies, a thousand outrages.

When do people reject the callous lies, the clear hypocrisy, and the constant constant violence of “business as usual?”

When do people mobilize their rage?

What is the source of a movement? Of a moment? Of action?