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Mutual Aid, & Trauma Resiliency by The Jane Addams Collective | SOS 🆘

Mutual Aid, & Trauma Resiliency
by The Jane Addams Collective

"w/ out imagination there is no memory
w/ out imagination there is no sensation
w/ out imagination there is no will, desire
the war that matters is the war against the imagination
all other wars are subsumed in it."
—Diane Di Prima, Rant (1985)

"One cannot expect a rebellion, any rebellion, against any authority, to come without hardship relative to one's own already desperate condition. Many have died and sacrificed fro the struggles for liberation we hold in our hearts, and those who bear witness also bear scars. It is equally our duty to care as it is to fight; one cannot exist without the other, often, they are intimately intertwined. for us, we who live lives of antagonism against authority, it is expected that we will find ourselves tied up in the consequences of violence inflicted on us by colonizers and fascists, routinely, preemptively and in retaliation for our actions toward a world in which all is done and shared in common. For us, the brutality of those consequences is very visible in short bursts, around which we most often strategize, but is more insidiously inflicted over the long haul on our collective emotional wellbeing. This particular arena is very familiar to us: it takes the shape of disenchantment, hopelessness, burnout, isolation. This is the particular arena in which strategies are parse and the work of care is inequitably distributed. The purpose of this text is to act as a resource for those who see the value in engaging in the work of collective care, for those who want to expand their knowledge and practices of responding collectively to trauma. This text has its limits; the best resource we will ever have is each other and our reciprocity."

Source: Mutual Aid Disaster Relief

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