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Sai Inspires June 20, 2022 What must we do to ensure that we | Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sai Inspires June 20, 2022

What must we do to ensure that we never get lost in this journey of life? Bhagawan lovingly answers us today.

It is best to place full faith in the Lord Himself and rely on Him as the only mother, father, guru, and guide. Then you’ll never lose the right path. He’ll never direct you to the wrong path. To have that firm faith and that experience, take to meditation; that’s the only means. It’s enough if the Name and form of the Lord is meditated upon with love and faith. Choose the name and form you like most. Be ever joyful and sweet. Cultivate the quality of always being joyful, with a smile on your face; this will give you a good distinction. People will also like you more. The Lord will also have joy upon seeing you. Therefore, observe meditation with innocence, purity, and humility. Then, without fail, you can attain whatever you strive for. Do not lose your temper in any situation; do not lose courage in any contingency. Respect everyone, whatever their status. Then the quality of universal love (prema) will develop in you.

- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 10.