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URGENT MESSAGE It has come to our attention that the tele | 😀🇦🇺 [Updates] Sydney Freedom Rally [Sat 3rd Dec - Jegorow Reserve - 12:00pm]


It has come to our attention that the telegram group Velvet Revolution
has been compromised.

The owners of this group have had all admin rights revoked and the account that is currently running the page is requesting that the members provide Identification to remain in the group.

To the best of our knowledge (passed on from the owners of the group and conversations we have sighted from the admin account that has taken over) the personal information obtained will be passed onto the police.

Australian Freedom Rally / Melbourne Freedom Rally is in no way associated with Velvet Revolution but we care for all of the freedom fighters that we stand with in this country so we urge you not to provide your person details to this account and it is also recommended that you leave the group ASAP.

If the owners create a NEW group we will be sure to share it on this platform.

Any group that is created under the name "Velvet Revolution" or similar that has not been shared through our channels we advise you treat with caution.


Stay safe, do not give your personal information to anyone on TG and stand by for an update.