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​​It became known about the sale of the vaccine against Covid- | Tape📼

​​It became known about the sale of the vaccine against Covid-19 in the Darknet networks

Communication with sellers takes place through secure messengers with the function of deleting messages by timer, the average cost of one dose of vaccine costs about 500
Specialists from Kaspersky Lab processed 15 shadow forums and found 3 types of patented vaccines on sale (AstraZeneca, Moderna and Pfizer BioNTech), as well as many untested vaccines. The cost varies from 250 to 1200.
Based on the data received, deliveries occur in most cases from the USA, England, Germany. The main currency for buying is Bitcoin.
“It is impossible to make a definite conclusion whether the offers for the sale of vaccines on the dark web are a scam or whether buyers really get what they are looking for. Some of these ads have had positive reviews. It can be assumed that as a result of some of the transactions, people actually purchased the desired product. In theory, this is possible because unused doses are sometimes left in hospitals around the world when a vaccine package is opened. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to get a guarantee that all the conditions for the correct storage of the vaccine were met.
Fake vaccination certificates are also sold on the black market. For example, a corresponding European-style document costs about 20-25 US dollars. In addition, in some countries, a certificate of the absence of COVID-19 is required, for example, for going to the office or business trips, vacation trips. In the Russian-speaking segment of the darknet, its cost is estimated at 3,500-5,000 rubles.