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Weekly moderation statistics Over the past 7 days, 109 new Te | Telega.io — Buy Ads on Telegram channels

Weekly moderation statistics

Over the past 7 days, 109 new Telegram channels have been moderated:

10 channels comply with the platform rules and have been added to the catalog
10 channel owners drank free coffee

Channel pre-moderation helps advertisers buy ads only in high-quality Telegram channels, and channel owners can earn higher income by working with our service.

Your channel has not been added? Don't be discouraged. We recommend that you address the reasons why your channel was not moderated and reapply after 30 days.

Has your channel been added? We advise you to complete an automatic Free coffee order from the platform and learn all the nuances of working with advertising placements. Your channel will receive the first 5 rating points, and you will earn on the referral program.

If you have any questions, please contact our support team. You are always welcome! @telegaio_bot

Volodymyr V.