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Reviews Can be positive or negative. You can give any review | Work Online | Telework


Can be positive or negative. You can give any review about a contractor, but only negative about a customer.

Positive reviews increase karma for both sides. Negative reduce it for the perpetrator, and can increase it for the victim in case of large harm. It is up to moderator to choose karma values. Usually more karma is given to newcomers and for large projects.

Procedure of validating

Since we’re not mediating your deals, we need some proof. The whole procedure takes one week maximum, each side has only one attempt. So you have to proceed very concisely.

Positive review:

Screenshot of mobile (!!!) app with the transaction from both sides. Date, amount, comment and requisites shall be visible

2) Screenshot of mobile (!!!) app with the private chat from both sides. Preferably 2-3 shots with a reference to Telework

3) The result of work (if not in the review) from the customer, sources (if the result is physical) from the contractor. If the data is reliable the review is published. Otherwise the author of manipulation (or "both" sides) are punished by karma or a permanent ban.

Negative review:

Since the defendant can ignore or simply deny, moderator will have to make a decision on your word. Therefore, the proofs must be absolute.

There are two fundamental types of claims: fraud and quality of work

• Fraud

It is highly desirable to make a full video recording of the chat (+ user_id extraction through any bot), money transfer / work result. The respondent needs to prove otherwise - the absence of transfer / work

• Quality / order of work

All the same: the proof of the existence of agreements and of their violation by the victim

Obviously, it is very difficult to get proof post factum. Telegram allows good hiding, so it is desirable to prepare in advance. That goes for all online transactions.