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Omarion is an R&B singer, not a Covid-19 variant The singer h | The Guardian news (unofficial)

Omarion is an R&B singer, not a Covid-19 variant

The singer has found his name linked to Omicron ever since its first outbreak. A toxic association or a fortuitous piece of PR?One often overlooked aspect of the current pandemic is the effect that it has had on brands. The poor brands, who long ago settled on a cool-sounding name only to have it coopted by a deadly once-a-century health crisis. Remember Corona, the beer that people used to drink before the association with illness and death became too much to take? Remember Delta, the airline that people used to use before it reminded everyone that new Covid mutations are destined to consign humanity to a quivering wreck for decades to come? These are the real victims.Until now, the Omicron variant has escaped such a fate. This is because Omicron is such a stupid word that the only people who had ever adopted it as a name are an imposing German electrical diagnostic corporation and a Belgian death metal band, and neither one seems particularly bothered by the association. Continue reading...

#Music #Omicron_variant #Coronavirus #Culture #R&B