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Dr. Martin 1.1. FOREWORD. For your consideration: The Fauci/C | The Australia Project

Dr. Martin 1.1.

For your consideration: The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier - prepared for humanity by Dr. David E. Martin.

Folks, I am embarking upon a research project into the work of Dr. David. E. Martin (M.CAM).

One might name this research into research.

En route, I will produce compact and easily-digested excerpts for others to enjoy and process.
As it says in Dr. Martin's foreword, "Any derivative use of this dossier must be made public for the benefit of others".
This I now do.
You can enjoy these or, you can, of course, read the entire document.

We'll call this first installment 'Dr. Martin 1.1'.

There is much misinformation and distraction out there, thus we may here perhaps better inform ourselves.

I heard a quote by a researcher, once, which read, "Check your source and your source's sources".
This I shall do.

I will try to provide the actual references supplied within the original (Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier) document as I try to bridge the academic with the layperson.
Thus, I have supplemented the words 'SEE' in square brackets [ ] for the alternate ('foot notes') academic reference styles.
It is these references/citations I will try to attach as corresponding/supporting documentation.
These references (to attached documentation) will either be typed in bold italics of be a hyperlink.
The original Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier document has already been supplied, so scroll up.

As I asked my teacher group (the mighty N.E.W) to do (we who fought back the Department of Education and won!), 'COMPILE THE FILE'!
This way, we can be informed and not found foolish when confronting situations where substantiated data is required.

NOTE: Dr. David. E. Martin is not being sued for defamation as he continues to call these 'bad actors' (SEE ALSO: war criminals, genocidalists; mass murderers) out.
If he was making false claims, or was without substantive or contextual proofs, he would be in court...

Strength, with wisdom and honour.
Cole the Sociologist.

P.S: 'et al', basically, means 'and others'.

In a court document they would write 'ors' for others.