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Today has been a weird day. Starting in March of last year, | The Bald Avenger

Today has been a weird day.

Starting in March of last year, I began raising alarm bells.

I’m not going to lie, I questioned my own positions and statements too many times to count.

I lost really close friends for my stances. A ton of my tribe took a pause on me and my circle shrunk. Loren Harris asked me if I knew what I was doing in his paying attention way.

Erk Phillips stood as sanity check to many things I was observing and saying.

Pastor Rudy Gonzalez and I spoke at length about not only spiritual matters, but his experience in countries that were on the far side of where I saw us trending.

I spoke to one of my dearest friends Mike Lewis a descendent of the Holocaust targets, over and over.

Emily Seelman and I had long talks about my concerns and in her thoughtful, brilliant, Christian way probably grounded me. She also probably saved many of you from much angrier posts, earlier than they would have been appropriate.

I sought input everywhere.

Seth Keshel became a close and dear friend for many reasons, math and a love of this country not amongst the least of them.

I walked with many of you in #misfitnation through the uncertainty and celebrated the ones who won and shielded those of you who have suffered through this time of transistion.

I have connected with giants and count people like Human Rights warrior Leigh Dundas and privacy warriors like Michael Proper as family now.

I have verbally battled with people I politically disagree with like Carlos Gomez, Jeff Stein and others and grown in respect of them along the path.

My core friendships have deepened in texture and meaning.

I have connected deeply with patriots and freedom fighters from the strangest of backgrounds!! All willing to risk and sacrifice for others in their own abilities!!

I have had to fight the urge to become hardened in my heart and in my approach. For in allowing that, would lose my humanity and empathy for the nuances of the opposing views validity.

I have softened my language and my judgement as I saw the damage done by the brashness of my ego and seeing myself in the hurtful arrogance of others.

I have had more than a dozen conversations today that had some flavor of “I have come to appreciate you” from people that once thought I was tilting at windmills.

In the continued battle against my ego…. intellect, relationship and historical relevance has been allowed to impact my behavior. In so doing, growth has happened.

I remain a warrior. I remain a freedom fighter. One who’s vision has been sharpened and purpose clarified by the fires of opposition.

The war is to know the enemy and not become it in the fight.

Today has been a weird day.

Ever the more powerful sentiment “God is great”

Thank you all for being in my life and God bless you!!
