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2000 mules is infuriating in its evidence and inspiring in its | The Bald Avenger

2000 mules is infuriating in its evidence and inspiring in its bravery.

This bullshit is starting already
“The Biden administration is sounding the alarms over an expected 100 million new Covid 'cases' ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. The White House's dire projection is not based on any new data, however, but on a 'model.'"

Some facts from #2000Mules
4 million minutes of surveillance video.
Tested their strategy to solve murders with geo spacial data and solved them.
Mules taking pics of each ballot while wearing medical gloves to hide finger prints, so they could get paid.
2000 people on video backed by cell phone data committed felonies. (Thousands more tracked)
Whistleblowers from this pool of criminals paid to break the law, manipulated because they were poor, are starting to talk because they are afraid.
Here’s your evidence ya bunch of good German patsies!!! Choke on it.
To war my brothers and sisters. To war!!!