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They are artificially trying to disrupt supply chains to accel | The Portal

They are artificially trying to disrupt supply chains to accelerate the collapse:


They are trying to engineer a conventional war between East and West by polarizing Russia and China against the USA:


In their planned war, nuclear weapons would NOT be used:


Recent escalation between USA and China over Taiwan was an attempt to start that war, and our meditation was successful in calming the situation, together with Pleiadians giving a warning to Xi Jinping.

The Pleiadians are recently very frustrated with the Russian generals, not much cooperation is present, and communication has dropped almost to zero.

After our Divine Intervention meditation in December 2021 the Pleiadians have contacted some key people in positive militaries in Russia, USA and China, and most of those people were not open to the liberation Plan, in fact many of them started actively opposing the Plan and are rather assisting the Cabal in trying to engineer a new world war. This is one of the main reasons for delays in 2022 and the main reason why our meditation did not have the expected impact.

Meanwhile, the Dark forces are building their main stronghold in China and are trying to change that country into a fully dystopian society:





They are afraid of the revolution that is brewing beneath the obedient surface:



In a certain country, many Lightworkers were recently directly attacked and persecuted by their government because of their Lightworker activities. This was a clear violation of the non-interference treaty which was signed between the Light Forces and the Cabal:

One part of that treaty states that the Cabal will receive security intel from the Light Forces to protect Cabal's main people from random attacks from the surface population (which is the only reason why Bill Gates, the most hated man on the planet, is still alive), and in turn the Cabal promised not to persecute the Lightworkers directly because of their beliefs and activities.

As a result of that violation, the Light forces have closed the deconfliction communication line for a few days in the beginning of July as a warning. For these few days, the Cabal did not receive security intel to protect their main people and locations, which resulted in two security breaches for them.

The first security breach has taken down the Georgia guidestones:


The second security breach has taken down Shinzo Abe:


This second security breach was a warning to the leader of that particular country what may happen to him if they continue persecuting Lightworkers.

That situation has since deescalated.

The main plan to liberate the planet is still in place, despite of all delays: