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August 3, 2021 Jennifer Heinl After cheering for President Tr | David Clements

August 3, 2021
Jennifer Heinl

After cheering for President Trump at the January 6 rally, Jennifer marched peacefully with other patriots towards the Capitol. At midpoint, a stranger abruptly lifted her up on an adjacent 4' wall and told her to stay put and out of the way.

In minutes, the crowd stampeded when tear gas struck. She was knocked off the wall and swept into the crowd. She took refuge inside the Capitol where it was quiet and doors were open.

Jenni was arrested on March 18, charged, and released on bail. Unjustly charged and maligned by the press, Jennifer lost her job at the VA as a Nurse Administrator.

Jennifer asks for prayers. Separating from her husband and pending a divorce, family finances are stretched and getting worse with anticipated legal fees. Pray for Jennifer's family relationships to heal. And give to her family's financial needs at