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The Professor's Record

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Logo of telegram channel theprofessorsrecord — The Professor's Record
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Official telegram channel for Professor David K. Clements
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2023-05-21 17:34:29 https://estancia.news/after-gaslighting-and-attacking-a-concerned-public-for-2-years-about-election-integrity-soros-backed-sos-maggie-toulouse-oliver-wants-to-force-new-mexicans-to-waste-millions-of-dollars-on-more-fau/
7.7K views14:34
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2023-05-21 05:39:05 Still maintain the position that treason is the only appropriate remedy for the American people concerning Biden.

Impeachment is for misconduct after an official was legitimately elected.

Biden was not legitimately elected.
12.3K views02:39
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2023-05-21 05:26:09 Breaking: Majority of Americans Believe Joe Biden Has Committed Impeachable Offenses – Despite Mainstream Media Blackout of His Criminal Acts

6.8K views02:26
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2023-05-21 04:14:53 If the book was an allegory, you could certainly argue that God used the non-Christian patriot, and even the lowly and treacherous Gollum to ensure the ring met its end.

Lowly Christian, remember who you serve. Almighty God laughs at the schemes of men.
6.7K views01:14
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2023-05-21 04:14:53 When I speak about the evils surrounding our elections, I’m often struck by the parallels provided by Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings.”

The wielder of the one ring of power gives its owner “dominion” over all free people.

I think of the rigged election infrastructure the same way. The Dominion machines are aptly named. But there are other names that carry out enslavement.

In Lord of the Rings, you had two types of heroes.

You had mighty men of the West, like Boromir, given a task to retrieve the great ring so it could be used against evil.

In the arrogance and pride of men, they believed they could withstand the ring’s corrupting influence and defeat a greater evil.

Then you had — at first glance — the weaker hero, little hobbits and an old wise graybeard, that intuitively understood that the only way to truly defeat evil was to cast evil’s greatest weapon in the fire.

These different heroes created a fellowship. But with Boromir having a divergent interest, he ultimately betrayed the ring bearer and fellowship. He thought his motives were pure and that the hobbit’s plan would be the death of them all. He saw the natural consequences of war and power.

Boromir reminds me of the patriot that operates without Christ. We have mighty patriots in our ranks. These patriots appreciate the utility of a Judeo-Christian nation, and the stability it provides. To them, Christ, the church, or “Christian values,” however, is a means to an end. And to be fair, that end is usually noble.

The defeat of communism, Marxism, and restoration of their country, all virtuous pursuits. Thus, it is not unusual to see patriots with a high code of honor—without a saving faith in Jesus—partner with Christ followers… until conflict emerges.

But when uncertainty abounds, heavenly counsel appears foolish, and truth is often sacrificed for “the greater good.” Boromir became the very evil that he fought, until he saw his folly, sacrificed his life and repented.

The danger of the non-Christian patriot is that they do not think the machines are a problem, so much as they think the wrong people are in control of them.

That in their benevolence, they would make sure no one would use them inappropriately. But that is a matter to deal with “after we win.”

You can always spot this type of patriot by the amount of attention they give to the rigged election machines, and nefarious software.

Usually, they are silent on the issue altogether, or only pay lip service when in the company of those they know find the machines’ existence critical.

Their usual refrain is “there are lots of different ways our elections are interfered with. I’m just focusing on [ballot harvesting, voter ID, cleaning up voter rolls]. Yet, not all ways that destroy our elections are created equal. Far from it. None of these front-end fixes can be achieved under the current electronic system.

The hobbits remind me of those who have placed their faith in Christ. They are not mighty enough of their own accord, and are used to being caught in the balance of the schemes of the mighty. They are usually overlooked.

Yet, usually, Christians are often also patriots. The distinction, however, is that a Christian’s fealty is to Christ and the truth, before it is concerned with vanquishing communism and restoring America. To them, Christ is not a means to an end. He is the End. He is the Alpha and Omega. And Christ conquered all evil at the cross on Calvary. To them, Christ is the only true and lasting way to gut the evils of Marxism and communism from a nation.

Christians, however, often buy into the false religion of today, that does not require them to go and carry out the great commission: to preach the gospel and make disciples.

This means invading all aspects of the culture and presenting an account of God’s ways, not waiting behind shuttered doors until Christ returns.

The end of the Lord of the Rings is instructive.

It was the meek and lowly that vanquished evil through a series of providential encounters.
10.4K viewsedited  01:14
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2023-05-21 04:00:49 https://t.me/ThePrisonersRecord?livestream=77e53dd115999a4c0d
6.0K views01:00
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2023-05-21 01:10:26 Psychological operations carried out by spooks constantly seek to use and manipulate legitimate patriots by infiltrating their circle of trust, to do one or all of the following:

(1) deplete the patriot’s financial resources if wealthy. Many a well-meaning and wealthy patriot has financed psychological operations against themselves, or funded faulty messaging and were/are unaware of it;

(2) use the patriot if they are credible, or are a legitimate subject matter expert that has earned a level of trust with the public. The relationship will almost always be undermined at a later date when the expert’s truthfulness hurts an operation favoring the spook’s narrative.

Methods include co-opting the patriot’s message and passing it off as an original work of the person co-opting it (usually for financial benefit or personal affluence); or the co-opting party will recapitulate the original message but omit crucial details that steers the audience off course.

Alternatively, the spook may choose to see if they can erode the patriot’s principles and influence their messaging through the temptation of offering monetary gain, affluence, and security. This is always done in a subtle and incremental fashion.

Remember the designers of these psy-ops will always have control of captured institutions, social media, monetary resources, and will offer something of value to the unsuspecting patriot. And more importantly, they will have monitored their target’s weaknesses in advance of making contact. Vanity and a desire for material wealth are the usual agents of demise for the once sturdy patriot.

There are no black and white operations. Just a thousand shades of gray. Every outlet, every show, every channel, and every person, is a target for the operation. And the situation is never static, but ever-changing.

However, if the operator ceases to have success with either of the above approaches, the true patriot will eventually be cast aside and provided with zero access to their captured platforms (many of which - none suspect because the hosts are so adept at avoiding third rail topics).

If the patriot reacquires standing in public’s eye after objective success in combating tyranny that the public praises — then new operatives are immediately deployed, and once closed off platforms are re-opened in the hopes of spooks renewing their previous efforts to control resources and narratives.

I speak from painful experience - but I am still standing.

Patriot, pray to evict the spirit of greed and vanity. Pray for a desire to not be thought of at all by the world. Meditate on God’s glory, and think only of what Christ would have you do.

Christ has all the resources you could ever comprehend to carry out His mission.
7.8K viewsedited  22:10
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2023-05-20 23:52:37 A tyrant can never be appealed to by reason or through negotiation.

A tyrant only relents when it is defeated.

Incremental advocacy is the political graveyard for patriots. Advocacy so minute in scale that the devil can continually create contingency plans to undermine and negate whatever perceived gains were accomplished.

All life changing victories for the cause of liberty were accomplished by abolitionists.
7.0K views20:52
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2023-05-20 23:35:04 Many continue to conflate force with violence.

They are not the same thing.

Law enforcement were historically trained in “use of force” in conjunction with their oaths to “protect and serve” We
the People.

Those that receive firearms or self-defense training learn about “use of force.” I used to teach law enforcement on these topics, along with an occasional conceal carry class on the various self-defense doctrines.

What separates violence from force are questions of (1) legitimacy, (2) understanding natural rights, and (3) concepts governing self-defense.

To put it another way more succinctly: force is always a legitimate means to stop illegitimate violence.

And the general principle is that all can use force to the degree that enables one to be free from illegitimate violence.

For example, you can’t use deadly force when you are not in danger of great bodily harm or death. But when you are, you can.

The great delusion of our time is that we have been convinced that the government never uses violence, because agents of the state have badges, tax payer funded guns, and press conferences. All of which lend a veneer of legitimacy.

But what happens when your elections are routinely stolen? What happens when public servants are actually usurpers? What happens when their oaths have been torn asunder through bribes and back-room deals?

Their legitimacy goes out the window. And your natural rights, especially the right to self-defense, become casualties.

These captured institutions no longer own a monopoly on legitimate force, but rather become purveyors of illegitimate violence.

Now we routinely see forms of violence from our government.

Political violence.

Judicial violence.

Both leave us with our natural rights hanging by a thread, less money in our pockets, and many a patriot locked up in cages.

We are the recipients of a constant propaganda narrative, even from “so-called patriots,” that you must subject yourself to violence by captured institutions, to lay down your God-given rights, to even watch helplessly as your countrymen are dragged off one-by-one, or you will be the one accused of inciting violence!

What satanic sophistry!

The FBI performs at dawn raids on J6 fathers at gun point, while spouses and children look on. All while FBI whistle-blowers reveal their agency was the instrument of agitation, entrapment, and false testimony.

Now law enforcement shuts down businesses on mandates provided by engineers of genocide, breaking their oaths for a steady paycheck.

Now the political class creates unjust rules that turn the God given right of self-defense into a crime.

Now “so-called” patriots chastise real patriots, advising us to forfeit our 1st Amendment rights to peacefully assemble and protest.

Now “so-called” patriots have distanced themselves from the real patriot, citing claims over the difficulty procuring insurance coverage to conduct money grabbing pep rallies on the importance of the constitution, while betraying the constitution!

Had people understood the difference between force and violence, there would not have been millions of Jews fed to the gas chambers during the holocaust.

Had people understood the difference between force and violence, slavery would never have taken root in America.

If people understood the difference between force and violence, we would not have innocent J6 patriots experiencing a third birthday from a jail cell.

To the fake patriot, save your bumper sticker slogans.

To the wind-licking pep rally goer, continue to do the “safe” thing.

There are those that know our elections are stolen, that we live in a country gasping its final dying breaths, that are willing to be arrested, and yes, even die for their country by standing up to the usurpers.

Rant over.
7.8K viewsedited  20:35
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2023-05-20 21:02:34
A man, dressed as a woman.

With no military experience, serves as an admiral.

Receiving gene-changing shot, designed as a “solution” to a taxpayer-designed virus, a virus that doesn’t kill 99.998% of people.

Wearing a mask, of which virus is akin to a mosquito passing through a chain link fence.

Sign on wall says no photography, but photo exists.

Wall decals focus on children, the current victim class of the ‘gender-is-a-construct’ mind disease.

So much hypocrisy.

6.0K views18:02
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