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This page is mainly for Swiper now, but sometimes post on othe | Clip Artist Films

This page is mainly for Swiper now, but sometimes post on other media projects I’m doing so those that are interested can get updates from my various websites.

I’ll keep the posts up for a day or two then erase them. Need to keep it real concise, because I’m going to do whatever it takes to stop Ralph Herro and iMD so they are held accountable for crimes. And the victims cease piling up.

Then move on to the next scammer expose, and keep trucking as I lobby state legislatures for ISO Reform bills.
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Unfortunately, what happened in my family law case…occurs all the time. As many of you saw, I literally lost my mind publicly few times over the last couple months.

Why is that?

Simply because for six years now I’ve been grieving children still alive. It’s a spiritual torture that can’t be described and only understood truly by others that have been through the experiment.

I say that word experiment, because for the first time in history, men are being criminalized for being fathers.

That is the bad fruit of feminism as its grown into a destructive, anti-biology, anti-natural order, anti-humanity scourge on God’s natural order.

Men and women are different and created by God that way for very specific reasons. Men are meant to lead the family. Be the protector. At all costs. It’s built into us biologically and chemically.

What’s happening is a judo move by satan.

This week I found out my high school friend, Charles Green who was trying to protect his son from minor on minor physical abuse was set up and railroaded.

He could have taken a plea deal and probably gotten out for time served already, but instead took it to trial because he was innocent and assumed our court system would treat him fairly.

He’s now sitting in prison for 11 years. All born out of a family law case and a vengeful mother.

Next week I’m embarking on an advocacy mission to see what I can do to help my dear old friend get some post conviction relief.

This has to stop. Why are we as a society abusing our men like this?

I’ll tell you why. Because of satan. Just like convincing multiple generations now, murdering innocent children through abortion, is somehow virtuous.

Upending God’s intentional hierarchy of the family is another attack by the enemy on our species. This all goes back to that in my view. All a spiritual battle. The ultimate one. The fallen one has always hated us. He will never stop until the final battle is completed.

Why is it okay to use perjury and lies to turn loving fathers into criminals for doing what a father is SUPPOSED to do, protecting their kids?

We are living in upside down world. I wish everyone would start getting off their lazy asses and realize…

ALL OF US need to be activists.

ALL OF US need to recognize what’s happening.

ALL OF US need to tell the enemy no! In the precious name of Jesus Christ. No more!

Grieving Children Still Alive Drives Loving Fathers to Madness, Prison or Death