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Then when he first started running for Sheriff the first time | Clip Artist Films

Then when he first started running for Sheriff the first time it was unclear whether or not he was going to run as a republican or a democrat. What this guy's all about is he has no political grounding himself. He's just doing the bidding of the left and George Soros. The whole agenda is part of this conversation because that's what Soros wants is to cause disruption the US. What better way to do that than strip law enforcemnt agencies and buy off DAs.                                     

WB: Well I believe Penzone has contact with that group. I believe he has contact with somebody that's in direct contact with George Soros. I think part of that agreement is, hey I'll give you this money but you need to do these things for me. The first thing this guy does Gordon when he gets elected Sheriff. One of the first things he does is, we all know George Soros is very pro illegal immigration. George Soros wants everyone to be here. He doesn't give a fuck what country you're in, he believes anyone can be in this country illegally. 

First thing Penzone does is he lifts the ICE holds saying, we're not honoring ICE holds anymore. If ICE wants these people, then they'll have to get them after release. We can't hold these people against their will. We're not honoring these holds anymore. Even though there was legal standing. There was case law showing that it wasn't unconstitutional to hold people on these immigration holds from the FEDS. The counties had a right to do that and it wasn't illegal. Penzone didn't give a fuck. That was one of the first things he did. That was to appease George Soros. That had nothing to do other than appeasing George Soros. 

GR: Not only that, he created a staff position that had never been there before to have one of George Soros's lawyers as special counsel, Stephanie Cherney

WB: Yeah she left, Cherney. She left the office, I don't know what happened. I could tell you Gordon, something happened. But no one can tell you what happened. She basically resigned, and it was unexpected. In fact a lot of Paul Penzone's people that he first hired on. Where he brought these people in that were all positions that I say were appointed. But he's gonna claim, oh no they're not appointed positions. All these people he brought in they're all gone. They want nothing to do with the guy. 

GR: The PIO that was in there was a guy named Mark Casey. And then he jumped over to ABC15 as News Director, And that's how a lot of the propaganda gets pushed out, especially from that PIO spot. There's always a lot of coordination. 
The other point I was making too was, what's really troubling about Penzone, politicians are gonna be politicians...but this guy is so crooked, and so power hungry that years ago if he could have won as a republican, he would have done that if it got him the power. He's a sellout for power. 

WB: Only reason he won is because of George Soros. He knows this. A lot of people in the office don't even know who George Soros is. They don't even know all this happened. How do these people not know that? Some people are just out of reality, they're just drinking the kool aid. Oblivious as to what's going on. 

GR: Have you heard about him having a burner phone to George Soros? I had somebody else tell me that. 

WB: Yes, I heard this. I heard at one point he had direct contact maybe not with him, but someone very close to him. That there's something going on. Penzone is a fucking rat. He can't be trusted. He's proven it. The judge doesn't even trust the guy. The judge thinks he's a piece of shit too. Quite frankly, he should be sitting in a jail cell. What he's doing is not only illegal, but fucking wrong.       

GR: I hope something soon happens on that. With him targeting the way he does, and some of the evidence tampering too that I've heard about it. 

I want to talk about a very level source that came to Clip Artist Films a few years ago with a tip. I'm curious if you've heard this too or have any first hand knowledge. This tip came from a very high level former M.C.S.O. employee.