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Clip Artist Films

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2022-06-12 16:24:38

468 viewsGordon Rose, 13:24
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2022-06-12 16:08:47 Here he goes preparing to create a street environment to mess with conservatives in November. This guy is a true “deep state” government plant. Pure.

Penzone does globalist bidding, everytime. He even created a staff position originally for one of Soros’s lawyers. Not kidding.

472 viewsGordon Rose, 13:08
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2022-06-12 15:19:18 Those IA cases just keep stacking up, still. Slooooow walk city…

Think current Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone, might have a scandal on his hands if evidence of employee targeting were in the files?

419 viewsGordon Rose, 12:19
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2022-06-12 15:13:50 Highlights of Penzone coverage.

410 viewsGordon Rose, 12:13
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2022-06-11 19:00:33
The Uneven

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Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office is in such a disarray under Paul Penzone’s “leadership”.

Over the last few years, Clip Artist Films has cultivated several high level sources at M.C.S.O. so the public can know what’s going on.

In 2020, covered Penzone’s proclivity to target LEOs not politically aligned with him, bogus IA cases or career sabotage.

Few days ago, I was contacted by an anonymous source claiming staffing levels are now often below 50%, causing a dangerous situation.

The deteriorating moral at M.C.S.O. is due to Penzone’s elitist attitude coupled with his globalist, Soros agenda serving employee targeting. Doesn’t make for a positive environment for anyone.

Will do a podcast on this story very soon.
489 viewsGordon Rose, 16:00
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2022-06-11 16:29:18 In 1975, when the Church Committee made the first official exposures of combined CIA/mafia efforts to assassinate Fidel Castro,29 they pinpointed the first plotting as starting in August of 1960—just a few months following Rothman’s offer.

But while the Church Committee’s story begins with the relationship between the CIA, Howard Hughes, attorney Robert Maheu, and Las Vegas gangster Johnny Roselli, a 1975 New York News investigation30 starts somewhat earlier. It appears to fill in the intervening months and places Rothman at the center of the early plotting.

“Rothman was in touch with several CIA agents,” a former agent said. “They had many meetings concerning assassination plots against Castro.”

Rothman in turn discussed the matter with his peers… among those who took part in these parleys, reliable sources said, were Santo Trafficante of Tampa, and Sam Mannarino of Pittsburgh… the mob and CIA finally gave [the contract] to [Johnny] Roselli, reputed boss of Las Vegas, federal sources said. And Roselli agreed to recruit a death squad to hunt Castro.

From the timeline, it appears that the offer Kutner carried was accepted.

It is worth noting that Jack Ruby’s reported Cuban gun-running also coincides with the same period as Rothman and Mannarino’s. Further, Ruby’s friend, Lewis McWillie,31 managed one of Rothman’s Havana casinos.32
Rothman’s attempts to intervene in international politics didn’t end in 1960—and as we’ll soon see, neither did Kutner’s. FBI files implicate Rothman as a partner in a plan to overthrow the Guatemalan government in 1965.33 Weapons for the effort were provided by CIA agent and anti-Castro Cuban fighter Luis Posada Carriles. Posada would later become infamous for his role in the terror bombing of Cubana Airlines flight 455, which killed all 73 people on board.

Through 1961, Kutner continued his role as an FBI criminal informant, but was dropped by the FBI for providing dubious information on the mafia’s pilferage along the New York waterfront. The FBI determined that Kutner’s information was substantiated “only by Kutner’s own opinion and belief.”34
Sometime in the early 1960s, Kutner became Guatemala’s Consul General for the city of Chicago. Why Guatemala would give him this honor is unclear, but the country did play an important role in the war against Cuba. Since before the Bay of Pigs operation, it was a key base35 for CIA, mafia, and Cuban exile attacks on Cuba.

Additionally, a 1966 FBI memo36 indicated that Chicago mobster Sam Giancana had a home in Guatemala. While acting as a consular official for the Guatemalan military government in the United States, Kutner would have been able to provide important services for travelers between the countries.

Whether Kutner continued his mediation between his mafia clients and the CIA during the period is unknown. But by 1963, Kutner felt self-assured enough to approach the Central Intelligence Agency for clandestine funding.
447 viewsGordon Rose, 13:29
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2022-06-11 16:29:18 United States of Conspiracy
Feature Documentary
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What’s up y’all?!? Fully recovered from that mental health episode. It took some time.

I’m diagnosed with schizophrenia. Try not to buy into psychology last few years a lot because I worship Jesus. He really is the best medicine for spiritual struggles.

But, this type of mental illness is also caused by genes and heredity too. So it’s a combination. At the end of the day though it’s a medical condition. So have to mange it.

Mental illness is sometimes very uncomfortable to witness and talk about. And sorry if I disappointed any of you to made you feel uncomfortable.

Main thing for me is to focus on prevention. And that’s surround myself with the right people.

The way it works in my life is I can go months or even years with no episodes at all. When a trauma happens, it just clicks off and there it goes.

I had a full, several week long episode. Going through a break up w/cheating, business betrayal, people from your past twisting the truth and an ex wife that just won’t free my kids from lies and parental alienation…well when all that happens in a short period of time see ya later. There goes an “episode”.

Appreciate those of you who understand what I’m talking about, and the good part is last month I feel better, and have removed all the people toxic to my well being from my life completely.

Been hitting long walks and workouts, getting my physical health back which I was neglecting. So all is good. I’ll just take my experiences and become better from it.

Only ones left in my life are my true friends that love me unconditionally. And I give them the same.

Clip Artist Films has so many promising projects on the horizon that are exciting and going to be great art and news stories.

Debbie Stivers has been doing great research for the feature film. One of the story lines starting to appear naturally is that Kutner was consistently involved in wet works.

Point man in having the Black Panthers, Fred Hampton assassinated.

So many connections to Ruby and history. Lots of circumstantial he was involved in the Oswald killing.

Then trying to sell the FBI on behalf of the mob to whack Castro.

Bet we’ll discover more.
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CIA, the Mafia, and the Plots to Kill Castro

Kutner first became involved in international intrigues26 in 1960 when he acted as an emissary for two major mafia figures to the FBI. Kutner carried an offer to eliminate Cuban leader Fidel Castro to the FBI.

The two mob bosses were Norman Rothman and Sam Mannarino. Mannarino ran the rackets in Pittsburg, and Rothman had run mafia casinos in Batista’s Cuba. Kutner was Rothman’s attorney while the two gangsters were out on bond, awaiting sentencing for a recent federal conviction. A jury had found them guilty on two important counts: a 1958 theft of weapons27 from an Ohio National Guard Armory, and neutrality act violations for attempting to get the stolen weapons to Cuba.

An FBI memo28 describes the events of May 9th, 1960. Seeking a lighter sentence for his client, Kutner walked into the office of the Assistant U.S. Attorney and advised officials there of the following:

[Rothman] has been a close personal friend of Fulgencio Batista, and and is one of the few persons trusted by Batista… in fact he, Rothman, during the time Batista was in power, was in charge of all gambling in Cuba. Having known Batista as well as he claims and being aware of his current activities and also revolutionary activities he is in a position to know what may happen in Cuba in the future. As a matter of fact, he claims to be able to “deliver Castro to the United States cause or cause Castro to be wiped out”. Rothman likewise claims an acquaintanceship with Castro. (Emphasis added)
The response of the FBI was to ask Kutner’s cooperation to “determine specifically what information Norman Rothman might have, which might be of interest to the Bureau or any other Government agency.” (Emphasis added)
425 viewsGordon Rose, 13:29
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2022-06-11 15:56:11 Channel name was changed to «Clip Artist Films»
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2022-06-10 16:49:19 Many blessings have been bestowed upon Clip Artist Films last few weeks. Sometimes shortly after the storm, the bitterness turns sweet. All glory and praise to the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
516 viewsGordon Rose, 13:49
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2022-06-10 15:46:32 https://judicialcorruptionnews.com/arizona-judge-exposes-corruption/
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Lawyer domination

“When a lawyer puts on a robe and takes the bench, he or she is called a judge. But in reality, when judges look down from the bench they are lawyers looking upon fellow members of their fraternity. In any other area of the free-enterprise system, this would be seen as a conflict of interest.

When a lawyer takes an oath as a judge, it merely enhances the ruling class of lawyers and judges. First of all, in Maricopa and Pima counties, judges are not elected but nominated by committees of lawyers, along with concerned citizens. How can they be expected not to be beholden to those who elevated them to the bench?

When they leave the bench, many return to large and successful law firms that leverage their names and relationships.”
552 viewsGordon Rose, 12:46
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