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Channel address: @theunevennews
Categories: Politics
Language: English
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2022-05-13 06:21:03 So, where did Gordon learn this behaviour?

Remember that guy he calls "Daddy" whom he loves and says is such a great guy?

Here is the link to the Judge in our childhood custody case. Reynolds took custody from my mother on zero basis.

Robert Rose filled our heads with terrible things about our mother. She was a witch (she burned incense), a whore (so was I, at age 12 because I wanted to shave my legs and wear tampons), and he bought things (for Gordon) that my mother couldn't afford. He (Robert) is the one that put it in Gordon's head that getting our backs scratched by our own mother was perversion.

Oh, and my Duran Duran poster? Satanic.

This man stole over $22,000 of money my grandparents saved for me for college.

They forcibly converted me.

They beat me with my brother's hot wheel tracks nearly every day.

My mother used to say he bribed the judge. I was at her house on a visit when the Greylord investigation was completed and I saw the news story of Judge Reynolds getting arrested for taking bribes.

When we were in his Chambers, he told me directly to my face that if I said I wanted to live with my mother I could go to jail.

So I said I wanted to live with Robert.

When I saw the news story of Judge Reynolds arrest on TV in Chicago, 1985, I never went back to live with Robert. I was 14. Gordon stayed for years longer.

Gordon is his father.
71 viewsGordon Rose, 03:21
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2022-05-13 06:21:02 Something was really bothering me. So I walked back up from my campsite to make this post.

My father was a wonderful man.

My father was a protector.

My father was a fighter.

My father was a hard worker.

My father was a yeller.

My father only used the hit wheel track spank Allison’s bottom when she would physically attack my step mother.

My father was beloved by so many countless children in Chicago and Phoenix, because he loved mentoring young people and wanted to see children grow up happy and healthy.

He failed with Allison and I because my mother was a pedophile satan worshipper.

She would always interfere with harmony.

Listen to how Allison demonizes my dad, yet gives my mother a pass. It’s kind of stockhomerish.

Those are the facts.

Now you may understand the urgency of getting custody of my children by telling the truth in this documentary series coming up.

I’m not going to let the brainwashing ruin them.

There’s still time.

I’ve forgiven my mother posthumously and made peace with my dad for misdirecting anger at him as I got older.

Mother has to make father the enemy through brainwashing, when in reality she was the evil force, doing evil.

My sister actually wants you to dispense your reality and make you think that tabling this to heal with a counselor on the 1990’s was somehow faked by my first wife and myself.

at my father’s fruits…who I’m happy to say LOVED Jesus and is chilling right now waiting to spend eternity fishing with me.

This was my awesome father, Robert Martin Rose.
(Read what so many students write about how he impacted their lives)
- -

Time to stop misdirecting anger. Time to muster that courage I know you have.

All you have to do is say one sentence and we can end this public feud between us.

Say- “Yes, I remember sexually abusing you Gordon. I was a kid and is wasn’t my fault. But I acknowledge your experience.”

That’s it.

Then you’re free. I’m free, and the demons hold no power over us anymore.

PS - Ask Jesus into your heart.
77 viewsGordon Rose, 03:21
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2022-05-13 04:05:21 What’s up y’all?!?

I’m camping tonight and will be out of pocket until tomorrow. Been pretty intense on this page the last week. But please understand the reason I’m doing this is to release my kids from six years of really bad child abuse.

I’ve tried EVERYTHING last six years. Cops, courts, reasoning, ass kissing, moving back to AZ twice only to be locked out again.

This last time of her “allowing” Lindie, Judith and I that brief moment after 3.5 years and then pulling back once again for revenge, is enough. Enough is enough.

Doing the documentary series is the only reasonable solution left to get the truth out.

Understand I’m doing all this because of how much I DO LOVE my children.

Wish there was another way, there’s not.

Please pray for Bethanie Warner. I forgave her a long time ago, because she’s so, so sick.

I pray for her to realize sooner rather than later the magnitude of how she’s hurt our children and then finally let them go from her grasp of revenge on their father.

Let go, let God and let their daddy who is so equipped to help them work though their pain…fix their broken hearts.

Please pray for Bethanie to get in the Bible and explore Jesus.

She should seriously, give it a try.

367 viewsGordon Rose, 01:05
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2022-05-13 03:36:34 You put your kids lives in danger Gordon by posting the city they live in, their pictures, their mom’s full name.... then you claim she’s a child predator....

Sounds like you’re trying to get her beat up.
325 viewsGordon Rose, 00:36
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2022-05-13 03:36:34 Attention Random Lady:

Bethanie Warner isn’t in any danger. My kids are though every daythey are in her care.

I’m not the only one in Arizona sick of her using the police departments, courts and other public resources to coverup her child abuse, that’s been going a long six years now. The authorities are sick of all this too.

Keep in mind why custody was taken away in the first place…a sex baiting call when she refused to bring the kids to see me in the hospital dying.

All will be detailed in the upcoming series. Tune in Sunday night for E1.

I’m deploying social media and doing a 15 part documentary because the court system failed my kids. As a father, and as I’ve been trying to do for six years now, I’m compelled to correct the brainwashing so my kids have a semi normal young adulthood. Only way to do that is make this body of work to get the truth out.

Call whoever you want to. Make whatever report you want.

Sounds like your being triggered because you perceive something about me because of the way I express the english language.

Why are you focusing on my free speech instead of the FACTS:

She lied to Scottsdale PD to coverup her very own son BEING MOLESTED by her family member.

She’s then spent the last 6 years brainwashing him, using counselors to convince himself it didn’t happen.


Before that she faked a rape in front of all of us and drugged my youngest.

There’s so much more, but candidly lady…why don’t you just mind your own business and get off the internet.
322 viewsGordon Rose, 00:36
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2022-05-13 01:33:33 I am an honest man with a big heart who is a giver, not a taker. I care about other people. I spent 45 years as a trial lawyer always trying to help others who had been damaged by wrongdoers. I care about animals. I care about children. I love my children deeply.

Too many times in my life, including the last 2+ years, I thought other people thought like I did.

Sadly, they don’t.

Many people have taken advantage of me. But in time, I figure them out. I live and learn.

When I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ in August of 2018, I became a new person. I knew then what I did not know at 16, Jesus Christ was with me that night on Tredway Drive in Macon, Georgia when I found my mother dead. I realized He had been with my entire life. He never let me down.

I now know that whatever “success” I have achieved in my life it was not about me. It was always about Him. I give the LORD all the praise and all the glory for the “good” I have done. I can never praise Him enough for forgiving me for the “bad” I have done. I praise Him for the “ugly” in my life (lots of that the past 2+ years!!!) which He uses to draw me ever closer to Him.

I am not an actor in a movie. I am not playing a role. I am a real man seeking to do God’s will for my life one day at a time. I try to focus on my eternity and not on the things of this world.

I am not perfect. I do the best I can. I believe that is all God expects of us when we follow Jesus and try to obey Him.

Being called a liar, a grifter, a thief, a fraud, etc., etc., etc. hurts me deeply. But Jesus comforts me and I forgive those who have wronged me. And I pray for them.

I know who I am. I am a man of God and not ashamed to admit it. Those who know the body of my life’s work know who I am today.

I am the man God created me to be to fulfill the tasks He created me to perform.

Thank you for taking the time to read this snippet of my life’s story. Thank you for your support and words of love and encouragement. Thank you for believing in me despite the barrage of attacks intended to deceive you as to who I am.

God bless each of you.

205 viewsGordon Rose, 22:33
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2022-05-13 01:33:33 I know who you are too @linwoodspeakstruth -

You’re a man who gave it all up for the one who came here to give it all up for us.

While you were plugged in for 45 years helping humanity, I WAS a liar, a grifter, a thief, a fraud, etc.,

Greatest thing about our Savior is he doesn’t care about our past, if we accept His gift. He only cares about what we do now to serve Him and His Kingdom.

323 viewsGordon Rose, 22:33
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2022-05-13 01:06:02 #SHERIFFCONMAN

Yeah, basically I don’t quit. Especially on exposing people that are abusing my kids or unjustly try to take my liberty away.

Never Quit.

325 viewsGordon Rose, 22:06
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2022-05-13 01:04:30 #SHERIFFCONMAN

Even the mobster McCain knew the media eventually exposes ALL lies. MEDIA - THAT’S ME

284 viewsGordon Rose, 22:04
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2022-05-13 01:03:15 #SHERIFFCONMAN

Paul cons everyone. That’s why I gave him the proper name - #SHERIFFCONMAN

257 viewsGordon Rose, 22:03
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