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What's going on? Part 2. Arizona audit update: State Attor | TRUMP NEWS⚡️ NOT

What's going on? Part 2.

Arizona audit update: State Attorney General Mark Brnovich says his office has determined: the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is violating state laws by failing to comply with Arizona Senate subpoenas related to the 2020 audit election. If the board of supervisors does not change its course, the attorney general will notify the state treasurer to withhold the state funds it has appropriated until the board complies. That could be as much as $70 million. And under state law, they have 30 days to comply.

The U.S. intelligence community has completed a 90-day investigation into the origins of the coronavirus and released declassified excerpts from the report to Biden.
As a summary, two conclusions follow: "After reviewing all available intelligence and other information, the intelligence community could not reach a consensus on the probable origin of COVID-19. All agencies consider two hypotheses as likely: natural contact with an infected animal and an incident that occurred in a laboratory.

Biden accused China of withholding critical information about the origin of the coronavirus and said he would not rest until he got answers.

The assassin of Robert F. Kennedy, Sirhan Sirhan, received parole in California.

The mayor of New Orleans says there is not enough time to evacuate residents from the city before Hurricane Ida hits the state.

New Yorkers are fighting an unprecedented demand for vaccinations in New York City. A large protest is taking place outside the union building and City Hall.

Judge denies Governor DeSantis to ban school masks, says Florida leadership exceeds its authority.

Arizona Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb: "Forcing people to get vaccinated is poor leadership. It's about your health, so it's everyone's decision.

Daily Mail: "Biden, in his 78 years, suffered from two brain aneurysms and a heart attack causing dizziness and confusion.

Tucker Carlson on Fox News: Old Joe is "not only incompetent and weak, he's also delusional, crazy, with no self-esteem."

YouTube brags about deleting 10 million videos in a quarter by censoring the truth about COVID-19.

The Capitol Hill officer who killed Ashli Babbitt tells Lester Holt, "I was just doing my job," laughingly claiming to have "saved countless lives" of his unarmed victim.

Thousands of teachers across America sign a pledge to break the law and teach critical racial theory.

A mother from Chicago says a Cook County judge terminated her parental rights after learning she was not vaccinated against COVID-19.

The head of the Ministry of Education denied claims that children without a coronavirus vaccination will not be allowed into school on September 1.

In front of the Turkmen embassy in Kabul, Pakistanis were detained with an explosive device.
