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Bolsonaro government and Congress decide to extend Gas Aid and | Tupi Report 🇧🇷

Bolsonaro government and Congress decide to extend Gas Aid and create benefit for truckers

The government of Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and the National Congress have decided to extend the Gas Aid and create a benefit for truck drivers due to the high fuel prices, the newspaper Folha de S.Paulo reported.

According to the newspaper, one of the models being evaluated for the Gas Aid expansion is to reduce the payment interval, which would go from bimonthly to monthly. With this, the government will have to double the investment in the program, which today oscillates between R$ 275 million and R$ 300 million per month.

In the case of the aid to truck drivers, the expectation is to contemplate between 700,000 and 900,000 independent truck drivers. The floor of R$ 400 of the Auxílio Brasil program has been a reference in discussions, still according to the newspaper.