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The national freedom struggle activity in the 1920s decade got | Mains

The national freedom struggle activity in the 1920s decade got new strands like:

● The rise of left within the congress.

● Caste based movements.

● Movement of Labour class

● Increased partition of women in the freedom struggle

The rise of left:

● Communist Party of India came into existence in Tashkent under M.N Roy.

● They mobilised labours in Bombay labour strikes, strikes at TISCO and southern railway.

● When British banned the CPI in 1934, they joined hands with congress to widen their base.

● They supported peasant movements like the Eka movement, Tebhaga movement etc.

The Labour Class:

● They participated in the non-cooperation movement through cotton mills workers strike in Bombay (1919 and 1920).

● The legalisation of Trade Union Act, 1926 boosted their activity.

● Labour Strikes during the civil disobedience movement were a major blow to the British.

● Their participation in the Indian Naval Revolt of 1946 in large numbers contributed to the success of the revolt.

Caste Based Movement:

● They rose as a response to caste based atrocities.

● Justice Party, self respect movement, vaikom satyagraha were movements to raise voice against the inhumane practices followed on the basis of caste.

● They participated in round table conferences to register their voices and demands advocating their rights.


● In the 1920s the women came forward in large number to participate in the national movement.

● The active participation in the congress by leaders like Sarojini Naidu gave a new perspective to the congress and changed the attitude of the masses for the women, this also helped attract women‟s massive participation.

● They also participated in revolutionary activities.
Example: Kalpana Dutt, Pritilata Waddedar.

● They became more vocal for their rights and took help of the press and organisations like Bharat Stree Mandal.

The massive participation from all the sections of the society and with the amalgamation of multiple ideologies, the era of 1920s was a game changer for the Indian national movement which gave new ways and forms of struggle against the British. With the fire of nationalism reaching to the grassroots, it became difficult for the British to rule and at the end they had to bow down to the demands of the Indians and the long fight for freedom finally came to its conclusion.