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Daily English 5 Vocabulary Word 1. Diplomats (Noun) : कूटनीति | UPTODATE

Daily English 5 Vocabulary Word

1. Diplomats (Noun) : कूटनीतिज्ञ : Government representative in foreign country
Synonyms : Emissary , Envoy
Antonyms : Tactless , Impudent
Example Sentence : The President will be meeting with foreign diplomats.

2. Uphill (Adjective) : कठिन : Needing a lot of effort
Synonyms : Mounting , Rising
Antonyms : Easy , Effortless
Example Sentence : The walk from the village to Greystones was uphill all the way.

3. Conspirator (Noun) : षड्यंत्रकारी : Someone engaged in a conspiracy
Synonyms : Plotter , Schemer
Antonyms : Superior , Enemy
Example Sentence : He was betrayed by a fellow conspirator.

4. Extradite (Verb) : अपराधीदेना : send criminal back to country of crime.
Synonyms : Hand Over , Repatriate
Antonyms : Hold , Keep
Example Sentence : The prisoner was extradited across state lines.

5. Radicalisation (Noun) : कट्टरता : Process of becoming more extreme, as in beliefs
Synonyms : Socialism , Conservatism
Antonyms : Moderation , Temperance
Example Sentence : The internet is playing an increasingly prominent role in radicalisation, extremism and terrorism.

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