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Daily English 5 Vocabulary Word 1. Isolation (noun) : Meaning | UPTODATE

Daily English 5 Vocabulary Word

1. Isolation (noun) :
Meaning : The process or fact of isolating or being isolated.
Synonyms : quarantine, shielding
Antonyms : cognizance, enlightening
Usage : Isolation from family and friends may also contribute to anxiety.

2. Intercontinental (adjective) :
Meaning : Relating to or travelling between continents.
Synonyms :  foreign, global
Antonyms : local, national.
Usage : An intercontinental flight.

3. Stringent (adjective) :
Meaning : (of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting.
Synonyms : rigid, extreme.
Antonyms : flexible, inexact
Usage : Stringent guidelines on air pollution.

4. Cordiality (adjective) :
Meaning : Warm and friendly.
Synonyms : pleasant, fond
Antonyms : cool, disagreeable
Usage : The atmosphere was cordial and relaxed.

5. Speculation (noun) :
Meaning : The forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
Synonyms : guesswork, opinion
Antonyms : fact, reality
Usage : There has been widespread speculation that he plans to quit.

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