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Daily English 5 Vocabulary Word 1. Glaring (adjective) : Mean | UPTODATE

Daily English 5 Vocabulary Word

1. Glaring (adjective) :
Meaning : Giving out or reflecting a strong or dazzling light.
Synonyms : blinding, blazing
Antonyms : concealed, hidden.
Usage : The glaring lights.

2. Standpoint (noun) :
Meaning : An attitude to a particular issue.
Synonyms : point of view, perspective
Antonyms : fairness, impartiality
Usage : She writes on religion from the standpoint of a believer.

3. Reconcile (verb) :
Meaning : Make (one account) consistent with another, especially by allowing for transactions begun but not yet completed.
Synonyms : accommodate, accustom
Antonyms : disagree, refuse.
Usage : It is not necessary to reconcile the cost accounts to the financial accounts.

4. Festering (noun) :
Meaning : (of a wound or sore) become septic; suppurate.
Synonyms : aggravate, blister
Antonyms : suppurate, form pus
Usage : The deep wound in his neck festered.

5. Alienated (Verb) :
Meaning : Make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.
Synonyms : drive apart, detach
Antonyms : be friendly, disarm.
Usage : An urban environment which would alienate its inhabitants.

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