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— We must all begin to Develop & Nurture a Lethal Acute Awaren | US Voter Fraud & Coup-Ops Intel 2020 - 2022

— We must all begin to Develop & Nurture a Lethal Acute Awareness unto these Predatory-Sadistic behavioural patterns; that are Nurtured & Normalised by the Death Cult; while simultaneously removing from our lives, the Ontological Evil & Rot that has By Design been Tolerated in the White Anglosphere West.


— Liberals Weaponize Hostile & Sexually Deviant/Degenerate Minorities [They actively recruit Paedophiles] against the White Majority of Nations as a Voter Base & Grievance Placation Industry; By Design
— The Specific Hierarchy of Ghoulish White Racial Reduction & Replacement Fetishists.
— Never forget that they are Ontologically Evil and wish Death & Replacement of You, your Family and your Bloodline.
— Reminder that it is the [REDACTED]-Internationalist, Ethnocidal & Predatory Death Cult that holds America under Hostile Occupation; It is Glued together by Mossadi Child-Fucking Blackmail Entrapment

— We [All Straight White Men; Knowledgeable of their Ontological Evils & the Scale / Degrees of their White Racial Extinction Fetishism are going to engage in full blown Metapolitical, Memetic, Information & Cultural; Permanent and Perpetual, Omni-Terminationalist Warfare for the Soul of the White Anglosphere West; that is under Immediate & Objectively Discernible threat of Extinction by the Liberal Psychotics & their Internationalist; Ethnocidal, Predatory Death Cult

— Politics, Academia, Finance, Tech and NGOs facilitating Weaponised White Racial Dehumanisation, Reduction, Replacement, Mongrelisation
— They must All be Expelled By Design of every Straight White Male whom is Lucid & Conscious of their Ontological Evil / Child Fucking Blackmail Entrapment.
— Permanently

Signed with Clarity, Lucidity, Conviction & Lethal Acute Awareness unto the imminent, objectively discernible, looming: Permanent Civilisational Doom-Equinox, engineered by Conscious Design of the Sadistic, Ethnocidal-Predatory Nemesis.

-Al Sangmoore, TRR Intel Director

This is the plan. Spit out the blackpills - The White Anglosphere West does not want or need its thought leaders to be afflicted with infectious-pathological demoralisation.