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Understanding contrast ratio and accessibility A guide to sha | UX Horn ⭕️

Understanding contrast ratio and accessibility

A guide to sharing insights in ways that stick

Ethics in designing habit-forming products. Two methods to evaluate our motives when purposefully designing habit-forming products

How to build collaborative human-robot interfaces. The challenge of designing affordances on ever-evolving robots

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

Design Thinking: Study Guide. Collection of links to NNG articles and videos to learn about design thinking

Problem Statements in UX Discovery

How to fit big tables on small screens

Identify and document your UX methods

Analysis: The Peloton experience. An in-depth analysis on six human factor principles and laws of UX and how they helped shape the existing Peloton interface into what it is today

Opinion: The real reason you’re not more productive at work? It’s not boredom—it’s bad UX

Interesting: Arun Venkatesan describes the career history of industrial designer Richard Sapper, who also influenced computers (the red button on the IBM / Lenovo ThinkPad is his idea). He is from the same German constellation as Dieter Rams, but used different approaches. Thanks 2 pdigest

Opinion: Why Does stress have a beneficial effect?

@uxhorn_eng #NNG #guide #desigthinking #accessibility #ethics #insights #prototyping #discovery #methods #analysis #opinion #interesting

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