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“It was the year 2014 my second child and my first daughter af | VICTORIA FREEDOM KEEPERS

“It was the year 2014 my second child and my first daughter after 5 years of trying, my daughter finally arrived.

She was born healthy and tracking like any other normal baby… vaccines! Which I thought was just a normal standard thing that everyone did.

Everyone would tell me oh it’s normal for them to get fevers etc, but after her 6 month vaccine I will never forget she had fevers 39 and above for 14 days straight she also had symptoms that looked like Kawasaki disease we went to multiple doctors hospitals etc and all were brushed off saying it’s a just a virus again.

I didn’t think much of it and continued to vaccinate, her 12 month vaccine came along and for some reason I thought I’m going to delay this one so I did and got her vaccinated at 14 months, as per usual she spiked very high fevers but this time it was different her eyes started to turn inwards, she turned full cross-eyed.

We booked a specialist appt and she was diagnosed with Strabismus she was wearing glasses full time at the age of one and her eyes never repaired and had to go on to have double muscle squint surgery to re-align her eyes.

I did question the vaccine to her doctors but of course was made it out like I’m a crazy person.

It wasn’t until I did my own research and found a Facebook forum with lots of other mums and dads who also were going through the same nightmare.

I’ve never put another vaccine in her body since, my daughters 7 now and although she will need to be in glasses for the rest of her life which is just cosmetic to some but she is here today happy and healthy.”

— Ronia, Sydney
