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The story of 74-year-old Valentyna Popovichuk, who was rescued | WAR IN UKRAINE 2022

The story of 74-year-old Valentyna Popovichuk, who was rescued from the debris of a six-story building in Kharkiv

A Russian missile hit the entryway of the house around 3:30 a.m. on July 11.

"I live on the second floor, I was trapped in my bed [under a pile of debris], I went to the bathroom to wash, wash my head, I did not even understand what was the matter, the dust was standing. [I] went to the bathroom, that's where they pulled me out. I was in the bathroom throwing plastic from the ceiling, shouting: "Get me out, I'm alive." They went into the entryway, kicked the door down, and pulled me out. I was born very lucky", said the woman.

12 people who live in neighboring entrances to the building where the missile hit, were evacuated from the building.

Photo: Viacheslav Mavrychev/Suspilne