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Question 6. 1. Schools and Colleges: The first formal schools | WASSCE HEADQUARTERS

Question 6.

1. Schools and Colleges: The first formal schools were set up by Christian missionaries. They comprise mission schools set up by European colonial states. There, people were taught to read and write. The missionaries themselves were involved in the management of the schools and training of students. Curriculums were formulated and teachers were recruited, and the financial funding of the schools was borne by the missionaries. Yet, their teaching was not restricted to the teachings about Christ.

2. Hospitals and other Health Facilities: The Christian missionaries did not come into Africa without plan for their survival. Their early missionary journey was not entirely a smooth one. Health incidences necessitated the need to establish hospitals and health institutions, which they eventually did establish.

3. Impact on African Deities and other African Cultures: Christianity came with its own ideology which was entirely different from the practice known to Africans. In fact, it seems that the primary purpose of European Christianity was to suppress and entirely abolish the African traditional religion. Of course many were converted. They did not come empty handed. They came with something; inventions, information, education, opportunities and many more.

4. Impact on political terrain: Christianity became like a pressure group, having considerable influence in the government of the day. Of course, European colonial government employed the instrument of Christianity as a religion to attain their goals, and not as though there was so much pressure effort to liaise Christianity and the government. There was considerable impact of the judicial systems and awareness of democracy.

5. Male superiority: The Christian church played a considerable role in fostering the inferior status of women by providing a moral justification for male superiority. The Holy Bible which is the holy book of Christian religion is clearly patriarchal in its content. And by the fact of its dogmatic nature, its effect still points out till today, although a considerable reform has been attained.