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Are you wondering why Masons figure in most film sets? Are the | World Awakening

Are you wondering why Masons figure in most film sets? Are they openly giving interviews or are they in the background? Their blatant use of symbolism becomes their undoing. They consider themselves untouchable. In fact, they are puppets pre-programmed to do what needs to be done.

Even if the events organized by HM fail all over the world, they will still be very powerful. For example, according to Mossad, the Reuters news agency belongs to Thomson Reuters. This, in turn, belongs to Blackrock. Pfizer is also owned by Blackrock. So when Reuters says Pfizer is not doing anything wrong and both companies are owned by the same people.

The rabbit hole goes even deeper. Pfizer told a federal judge last week that Pfizer is owned by the federal government and is not subject to customary contract law. In other words, Pfizer has the legal authority to commit fraud that kills people.


Then 12 "different groups" magically appear, fighting against the capture of Twitter by Elon Musk. It turns out that they are all connected with the Gates and Soros foundations.


The current law is also skewed in their favor. For example, the Rothschild shell company Glencore Commodities admits decades of market manipulation and pays only a symbolic fine of $ 1.5 billion. For them, this is pocket money and an acceptable price for their business.


HMM is also still trying to starve us. According to Russian FSB sources, Ukrainian ports are mined to prevent food exports. They caused a shortage of baby food, chickens, eggs, etc.

For example, a factory in Kingston, Ontario, which received $225 million from taxpayers' money, sends all the baby formula it produces to China, while Canadian parents are struggling to find it.


There was also a massive train crash involving 43 people in Canada. CP Rail cars with potash.


Potassium is a chemical used as a fertilizer, and fertilizer, of course, is now extremely necessary. This type of train sabotage is something the Rockefeller family has done many times before.

Be sure, however, that these criminals are being hunted and their defeat is inevitable.

The only question is what will happen next. We don't know, but the people from the secret space program insist that an event unprecedented in the history of mankind will happen.

So, let's take a look at the latest news from the developers of the Blue Ray Project.

The first is a very clear UFO that was recently filmed in Antarctica.

People associated with Antarctica claim that there is some kind of portal to other dimensions. "James Forrestal, the first US Secretary of Defense, was kicked out (oops, I mean, jumped out) from a hospital in Bethesda in 1949 because he knew too much about Antarctica and its secrets," says a source in the American intelligence program.

Speaking of portals, here's a video recorded at a hospital in Thailand showing a giant portal that seems to be connected to the sun.

Finally, a photo of three giant towers "allegedly" discovered on Mars. Their height is about 1000 meters. According to the source, the images of the Red Planet made by NASA are convincing evidence of extraterrestrial existence.

At least, we can say that the secret controllers are planning some kind of spectacular space show. If this is true, soon we will all be buying flying saucers instead of cars. Stay tuned for updates
