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Launching a New Product Today. The unique part is the product | Aleks is working 🦄

Launching a New Product Today. The unique part is the product doesn't exist yet.

I created a micro-service called Gone.Domains in two weeks and am launching it on ProductHunt to test an idea.

Service idea

Enter a website URL to get a list of its pages and outgoing domains. The report will show expired or soon-to-expire domains. This can help find domains with history for new projects or resale.

Testing the idea

If people pay for it, the idea is confirmed, and I'll fully develop the service.

Right now, the MVP is just a landing page and a script I run manually to get reports in a text file.

If people pay, I'll offer them the choice to wait for the full product or manually run the reports and email them. If they don’t want to wait, I'll refund their money.

My goal is to see if the product is viable and if people will pay for it.

If It doesn’t work out

I made this service for myself to find interesting domains with history for auction. I found some good domains this way, and they're currently for sale. If they sell well, I'll push the service further.

#launch #PH #producthunt #domain #domains #testingidea #MVP #solo #business #buildinpublic