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Artificial Intelligence

Logo of telegram channel artificial_intelligence_in — Artificial Intelligence A
Logo of telegram channel artificial_intelligence_in — Artificial Intelligence
Channel address: @artificial_intelligence_in
Categories: Technologies
Language: English
Subscribers: 70.03K
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AI will not replace you but person using AI will🚀
I make Artificial Intelligence easy for everyone so you can start with zero effort.
🚀Artificial Intelligence
🚀Machine Learning
🚀Deep Learning
🚀Data Science
🚀Python R
🚀AR and VR
Dm @Aiindian

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The latest Messages 11

2022-08-06 18:00:27 How Alibaba Use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Alibaba is using AI to optimize its supply chain, drive personalized recommendation, Chatbots and build products. It also provides cloud-based AI service, to know more read the Blog

Checkout the Twitts

11.5K viewsedited  15:00
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2022-07-28 17:37:27 The best Stanford, CMU, and MIT courses to build a career in AI

- With a multitude of AI courses available online, coming up with an AI study plan can easily lead to decision fatigue.
- I often get asked about which courses have been useful to me to setup my foundation in AI, so here goes!
- After taking Stanford’s AI courses to build my fundamentals, I’ve taken courses from CMU, MIT, and UCL. I’ve found these pretty useful in shaping my understanding and career in AI.
- Here’s my list of courses along with their respective YouTube playlists (note that this is an ordered list of increasing difficulty, based on my personal experience)
by Aman Chadha.

Stanford University

CS229 - Machine Learning by Andrew Ng:
CS230 - Deep Learning by Andrew Ng:
CS231n - Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition by Fei-Fei Li and Andrej Karpathy:
CS224n - Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning by Christopher Manning:
CS25 - Transformers United:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

6.S191 - Introduction to Deep Learning by Alexander Amini and Ava Soleimany:
6.S094 - Deep Learning by Lex Fridman:
6.S192 - Deep Learning for Art, Aesthetics, and Creativity by Ali Jahanian:

Carnegie Mellon University
CS/LTI 11-777 Multimodal Machine Learning by Louis-Philippe Morency:

University College London
COMP M050 Reinforcement Learning by David Silver:

- Have courses that you found useful? Drop me a message @Aiindian so I can learn too!
16.7K viewsedited  14:37
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2022-07-19 20:16:21 Nowadays it is clear that Python is the go-to language for AI, more than R. But have you ever wondered what contributed to this? I lived the transition from R to Python in the industry. Let me tell you the story.

R to Python
I joined Microsoft in 2016, and back then it wasn´t clear whether AI will be in R or in Python. The only big company interested in R was Microsoft, they had a product called R Server and they acquired a company called Revolution Analytics, so Microsoft had many top R developers. Other big techs like Google, Amazon, or Facebook were not interested in R at all, they were already using Python. Around 2018, it was clear that Python was becoming the language for AI, and R lost the race. Microsoft decided to focus all its efforts on Python first, instead of having two languages.

R for statistics, Python for machine learning
R has a long tradition in statistics, whereas Python was more popular in machine learning. Python took the lead thanks to two libraries, sklearn for general ML, and OpenCV for computer vision. While R users were more interested in statistical packages, Python users were more interested in machine learning packages. This is key because machine learning is better suited for products that solve business problems than statistics, therefore, machine learning got more support from the big techs. Big techs can afford to put developers into open source (I was one of them), so machine learning got more open source supporters than statistics.

R community was not interested in deep learning
In my view, the battle of R vs Python was lost in the deep learning space. R users were just not interested in deep learning at all, it was mostly statistics. I know this very well because I was one of the few R users pushing for deep learning in R. Between 2016 and 2017, I spent a lot of my time contributing to MXNet in R, which was the only deep learning library supporting R. While the Python package of MXNet had hundreds of supporters, R package had just a few. The consequence was that R was not able to follow up with the trend of modern AI that was being done with deep learning.

Nowadays it is clear that AI is written in Python, but it's a pity because I love R, it's a great language.

I think one interesting lesson to get from the evolution of R vs Python is that the power of the open source community is much stronger than the industry. Microsoft (and other companies) put millions of dollars to support R, but the community was not interested in machine learning or deep learning.

In the end, the lesson is the same as in other industries, the customer (in this case the user) is the king. This article was written by Miguel Fierro.

If you like it, please consider to show
18.9K viewsedited  17:16
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2022-07-18 17:30:35 Crossed 35,000 followers just a few time ago and now we're at 39,000.

Really appreciate all the support from the community that I've been receiving lately!
14.4K viewsedited  14:30
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2022-07-17 18:44:07
Love this collection of exercises (with solutions) in Machine learning.

This is useful material to strengthen mathematical skills.

15.4K viewsedited  15:44
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2022-07-11 17:30:42
YOLOv7 has been official out

Important update is yolov7 architecture added Instance segmentation.

Here is official Code + Paper launched by contributions of the lead authors "Alexab (YOLOv4 author) & WongKinYiu (YOLOX author)".

YOLOv7 is more accurate and faster
than by
YOLOv5 by 120% FPS.
YOLOX by 180% FPS,
Dual-Swin-T by 1200% FPS,
ConvNext by 550% FPS,
SWIN-L by 500% FPS,
PPYOLOE-X by 150% FPS.
19.6K viewsedited  14:30
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2022-07-10 17:30:29
Introduction to Data Science CS109A course materials by Harvard University are free and open for everyone!

1. Lecture notes
2. R code, Python notebooks
3. Lab material
4. Advanced sections

Learn here:
20.5K views14:30
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2022-06-23 22:25:06 The Age of AGI draws nearer
1.1K views19:25
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2022-06-15 10:53:51
Has Google's #TensorFlow lost the Machine Learning battles to Meta's #PyTorch ?
Anonymous Poll
Definitely, yes
No, I still use TensrFlow
I use both
705 voters3.4K views07:53
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2022-06-03 17:30:37 This is how Data Science / Machine Learning Team should work:

Inception of an idea (Business + data scientists).

Collaborate to work closely with the data engineering team to get appropriate data.

Exploratory analysis in notebooks.

First models and experimentations in notebooks.

Convert notebooks to scripts and modules.

Write tests.

Make experiments reproducible.

Create APIs to serve your model (if required).

Take care of all optimisations.

Dockerize everything (this can also be done in the beginning).

Make sure everything (including training) works end-to-end without any human interference.

Collaborate with the engineering/ops team to deploy it.

Feedback loop.
2.0K viewsedited  14:30
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