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Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, speaking in the Armen | RE:PUBLIC PRESS

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, speaking in the Armenian Parliament on June 15, spoke about the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

The Prime Minister's speech basically boiled down to the fact that Armenia has already recognized Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan.

To prove his point, Pashinyan spoke about the draft decisions on Karabakh, namely about Meghri in exchange for Karabakh and the project of a single state of Azerbaijan-Karabakh. Thus, Pashinyan tried to convince illiterate people that this means that Armenia has already recognized Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan.

At the same time, the Prime Minister forgot to clarify that none of these projects have been implemented.

Pashinyan then moved on to the Madrid Principles, stating that by agreeing with these principles, Armenia once again recognized Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan.

Then Pashinyan began to tell well-known facts, in particular that the Azerbaijani population of the NKAO should also have participated in the referendum and that the questions should not have been limited in any way, trying to present this as a possibility that Artsakh could become part of Azerbaijan as a result of referendum.

This point is especially interesting because, saying this, the Prime Minister either speaks Armenian poorly, or says that the Armenian population of Karabakh could vote for joining Azerbaijan.

Pashinyan then continued his speech, condemning the second President Kocharyan and the third President Sargsyan.

After speaking for 29 minutes of his 35-minute speech, Pashinyan stressed that this speech is not about the past (what a surprise!), but about the future, and summing up the above, justified his new point of view that the Karabakh issue is a question of rights, and “status is a way to ensure these rights.”

Naturally Pashinyan omitted his already three unsuccessful attempts to change the negotiation process:
1. "I'm starting negotiations from scratch," as he stated in 2018,
2. "Artsakh must return to the negotiating table", which he failed to implement,
3. "Separation in the name of salvation," which he spoke about during the war.

Then (the cherry on the cake was waiting for all of us), Pashinyan withered that Armenia was in danger and that small states were not protected, and the only protection is peace, peace with neighbors, which would be legally secured.

The Prime Minister continued by saying that he would try to go this way, but “there are no guarantees that it will succeed, since peace is a mutual process.”

Pashinyan repeated that he does not know whether the peace process will be crowned with success, but he guaranteed that “the reverse process would lead to the destruction of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.”

In general, Pashinyan defended Azerbaijan's positions well, actually admitted that he could not bring to criminal responsibility those whom he accused of corruption, said that we are in danger, and warned that all this could end badly.