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2024-06-24 19:00:08
How did the dinosaur with the strongest bite look like?

T.rex (Tyrannosaurus rex) that stomped the Earth from about 68 million to 66 million years ago is a repeat science fiction star for a reason: its bite was ferocious and could deliver up to six tons of pressure or about 50,000-60,000 newtons.

In museum halls, paleo art, and feature films, T. rex has traditionally been depicted with lipless jaws, banana-size fangs and a sinister grin, as seen in the top two illustrations . But now, new evidence suggests these animals had lipped mouths, like modern-day lizards.

Among prehistoric animals, a possible contender of T. rex for the most powerful bite could be the huge shark Megalodon (Otodus megalodon) that terrorized the seas from 15 million to 3.6 million years ago with a bite force of up to 182,200 newtons.

Nevertheless, for its body size, the mighty T. rex’s bite was far less impressive than the bite of a much smaller modern dinosaur — a tiny Galapagos finch.

3.7K views16:00
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2024-06-23 07:30:01
Which living creatures exert the most powerful bite force for its body size?

To determine an animal’s bite strength, some studies measure force, others measure pressure, and some take into account body mass in proportion to force. To compare bite forces in taxa of greatly differing body masses a bite force quotient (BFQ) is calculated as a regression of the quotient of an animal's bite force divided by its body mass.

The carnivorous mammal with the strongest bite for its body size is the Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) . Being only about the size of a big housecat, this marsupial with jaws that can open to an 80-degree angle, can produce a bite force of 553 newtons or about 56 kg of force and a BFQ of 181 (by comparison, the tiger’s BFQ is 127).

Some animals with a huge bite aren't even predators. The Galapagos large ground finch (Geospiza magnirostris) weighs only about 33 grams, but its beak can crack tough nuts and seeds with a force of 70 newtons.

4.3K views04:30
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2024-06-22 10:00:10
Which living animals have the strongest bite?

Bite force is the force that the muscles and bones of the upper and lower jaw generate when an animal bites.

The saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) has the strongest physically measured bite force at 16,414 newtons (newtons measure force magnitude) or about 1,674 kilograms/3,689 pounds of force.
The saltwater crocodile is the largest living reptile species and is found in saltwater and freshwater habitats spanning from Southeast Asia, and down to Australia’s northern coast.

Two aquatic predators could possibly beat the croc, but their bite forces have not been measured in a live setting.
The strongest bite force could be that of the orca (Orcinus orca), estimated at 84,516 newtons or about 8,618 kilograms/19,000 pounds or force, distantly followed by the bite force of a great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) , at about 18,000 newtons or 1,835 kilograms/4,045 pounds of force, according to computer models.

4.1K views07:00
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2024-06-20 21:55:32 What do sci-fiction-pioneer Jules Verne, horror-writer H.P. Lovecraft, and the Russian space program have in common or what are some interesting facts about Point Nemo?

Who Found Point Nemo?
While the oceanic point of inaccessibility has always existed, it was only just discovered in 1992, some three decades ago, thanks to modern computing and GPS technology. A Croatian-Canadian survey engineer Hrvoje Lukatela wrote a geospatial program called Hipparchus, and found Point Nemo.

Point Nemo Isn’t Named After A Fish
The etymology of Point Nemo is easily confused with Disney’s well-known protagonist — fish Nemo — in the children’s show Finding Nemo. But Point Nemo was named after the famous fictional character Captain Nemo in Jules Verne’s ‘20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.’ It translates roughly to “no man” in Latin, a name that fits a place so alone in the world.

Point Nemo Is A Confluence of Lifelessness
The Nemo point is an area of the deep ocean with no islands, reefs, or other land structures. Instead, the ocean floor comprises abyssal plains, trenches, and mountain ranges plagued by perpetual darkness and silence. The extreme pressure of the deep sea and cold temperatures make it uninhabitable for most life forms. Currently, only bacteria and tiny crabs have been discovered to live in the volcanic vents on the seafloor near Point Nemo.

Astronauts/Cosmonauts Are The Closest People
Surprisingly, the closest people to Point Nemo are astronauts and cosmonauts on board the International Space Station (ISS) in space. At their closest, they are about 415 km (258 ml) away from the location that marks the spot.

Point Nemo Is A Spacecraft Cemetery
In the 1970s, space organizations found that an extremely remote location, such as Point Nemo, is a safe “scuttling” destination for satellites and spacecraft that are deorbited for decommissioning on expiry.
It is far enough away from air and sea traffic that the spacecraft will not be disturbed, and it is located in an area of the ocean with minimal currents, so the spacecraft and its technology will not drift away.
The first spacecraft to be sent to Point Nemo was the Soviet Union’s Salyut 1 in 1971.
Since then, more than 250 spacecraft have been sent to the graveyard, including the Mir space station, the Skylab space station, and the Beagle 2 Mars lander.
When a spacecraft is sent to Point Nemo, it is deorbited before being allowed to sink to the ocean floor. This procedure is called “geological disposal,” and it ensures that the spacecraft will not pose a threat to future space missions.
The ISS will likewise be decommissioned at Point Nemo in 2028-2030.
Ultimately, Point Nemo is a unique and fascinating place, serving an important role in space exploration.

Point Nemo Is The Home Of Cthulhu
Point Nemo’s location is coincidentally the home of Cthulhu, the fictional cosmic entity created by author H.P. Lovecraft in his famous fictional work — The sunken city.
Cthulhu is a massive monster that is part octopus and part dragon and wields enormous power and influence.
Point Nemo is the perfect place for Cthulhu to hide from the world.
Lovecraft puts the city in the South Pacific Ocean at 47°9′S 126°43′W, very close to Point Nemo.
The fictional submerged city was first referenced in the short story The Call of Cthulhu (1928), written 66 years before the computation and eventual mapping of Point Nemo.

Point Nemo Was Once Thought To Contain Life
In 1997, scientists recorded a very loud sound originating from point Nemo, an otherwise Lifeless/deathly place. The mysterious sound traveled across the Pacific, echoing all the way.
Since then, it’s been known as the Bloop.
Scientists ran with the hypothesis that a large aquatic animal, such as a whale or a giant squid, could have caused the sound.
With Point Nemo’s proximity to H.P Lovecraft’s sunken city, conspiracy theories flew with wild abandon.
But in 2005 researchers concluded that the Bloop was simply a phenomenon caused by large icebergs calving off an ice shelf in the depth of the dark.

4.2K viewsedited  18:55
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2024-06-19 17:00:06
What is the most isolated location on Earth?

Nowhere on Earth one can find a place further from dry land than Point Nemo.

It is also known as “the oceanic pole of inaccessibility”, and is located at the point of coordinates 48°52.6′S 123°23.6′W in the South Pacific Ocean, approximately 2,688 km (1,670 ml) away from the nearest land.

Geographically, it is located at the intersection of the equator, the International Date Line, and the 90th meridian west.

The nearest islands to Point Nemo are unpopulated: the Pitcairn Islands’ Ducie Island to the north; Motu Nii, a small island that is part of the Easter Island chain, to the northeast, and Maher island, off the shore of Marie Byrd Land, an unclaimed territory in Antarctica, to the south.

To find the closest hint of civilization, one should travel by boat during more than two weeks to one of the world’s most isolated inhabited islands, Easter Island, which is located about 3,540 km (2,200 ml) to the west of Chile.

4.6K views14:00
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2024-06-16 14:00:04
Why does water expand when it freezes?

On heating, liquids expand since the molecules move with greater energy overcoming the intermolecular attraction. On the contrary, liquids usually contract on cooling. But that is not the case with water.

The water molecules consist of 2 atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen, the oxygen atom side being slightly negative, while the hydrogen atoms side – slightly positive, forming hydrogen bonds. Upon freezing, the molecules set themselves in a very open arrangement that contains more space than the water in the liquid state. Hence, water expands upon freezing and becomes less dense. On the other hand, it contracts on thawing, much unlike most other liquids.

Water expands approximately by about 10%.

Water is not the only substance that expands when it freezes, other substances are plutonium, germanium, bismuth, gallium, silicon, etc.

This phenomenon, the anomalous expansion of water, also explains why ice is floating in water.

5.2K views11:00
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2024-06-10 22:12:39
How did the Earth’s ocean form?

According to scientists, at the down of its existence, about 4.5 billion years ago, Earth had no ocean as it was too hot for water to accumulate in liquid form.

Earth eventually started to cool below the boiling point of water, allowing the early ocean to form around 3.8 billion years ago.

There’s some debate around how water arrived on Earth in the first place.
One theory is that volcanic activity expelled water vapor and other gases from the planet’s interior, where it already existed.
Another suggests that icy comets deposited water when they crashed into the early planet.
The reality could be a combination of these theories, plus one other that involves the major collision event that is believed to have created the moon.

Regardless of the ultimate explanation, the Earth’s specific location in the solar system happens to be the perfect place for water to exist in all three phases — ice, liquid and water vapor.

6.7K viewsedited  19:12
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2024-06-08 17:00:03
Why is June 8 an important day for the world?

World Oceans Day (WOD) is observed on June 8 and celebrates the vitality and importance of the ocean for our planet.

The ocean is a huge body of saltwater that covers about 71 percent of Earth’s surface.

The ocean contains about 1.35 billion cubic km of water – about 97 percent of all the water on Earth.

The ocean produces at least 50% of the planet’s oxygen, it is home to most of earth’s biodiversity, and has considerable impact on weather, temperature, and the food supply of all Earth’s organisms.

The planet has one global ocean, though people traditionally divide it into five distinct regions: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Southern oceans.

Despite its size and impact, more than 80 percent of the ocean has never been mapped and explored by humans. A far greater percentage of the surfaces of the planet Mars has been mapped and studied.

“Awaken New Depths” is the theme for WOD 2024.

6.5K views14:00
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2024-06-03 20:30:01
What were the early forms of bicycles?

Since its establishment by the UN in 2018, World Bicycle Day is observed on June 3.

In 1418, an Italian engineer, Giovanni Fontana (or de la Fontana), constructed one of the first known iterations of a wheeled, human-powered vehicle consisting of four wheels and a loop of rope connected by gears.

In 1817, about 400 years after Fontana, a German inventor Karl von Drais debuted his Laufmaschine (running machine), a two-wheeled vehicle, known by many names, including Draisienne, dandy horse and hobby horse.

In the early 1860s a velocipede (fast foot) or a "bone shaker" made of a wooden contraption with two steel wheels, pedals and a fixed gear system, became a popular bicycle form.

In 1885, John Kemp Starley from England introduced the "Rover." With its nearly equal-sized wheels, center pivot steering and differential gears with a chain drive, it was extremely stable, and the first highly practical iteration of the bicycle.

5.8K views17:30
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2024-05-28 21:00:04
What is the difference between bugs and insects?

A bug is a type of insect. All bugs are insects, but not all insects are bugs.

Here are properties shared by most bugs:
Sucking mouthparts.
Do not undergo metamorphosis.
Partially hardened or fully membranous forewings, which fold over one another (although a few bugs lack wings altogether).
Many produce sound to communicate.

Scientists know about over . true bugs, e.g.:
Assassin bugs
(including kissing bugs)
Beg bugs
Boxelder bugs
Scale bugs
Shield bugs
Stink bugs

Water bugs (including water boatmen, water scorpions, and backswimmers)

Animals that are insects but not bugs:
Beetles, including Lady bugs
Butterflies and moths
Locusts and other grasshoppers

Animals that are arthropods but not bugs:

Lobsters and crabs

6.2K views18:00
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