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2021-08-05 13:03:04
Are you curious about studying abroad ?

Welcome to Lowkey International Community, a unique blog about the life of an international student . I am here to help you and your peers not only to study well in a foreign country, but also feel like home.

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2021-08-05 13:01:21
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Acceleration of Science, Technology & Information Vs. Climate Change/Impacts

We, scientific community had began simulation and models of human or we induced climate change (CC) & its impacts from late 1970's & later. There are big shots (IPCC, UNFCC, GAR, etc..) who narrated the scientific stories in scientific manner on global warming (GW), ozone depletion and hastens on climate to change and 'bio D` loses'.

The report and studies of them has accelerated to new invoke and evoked human communities from different clans of nations. They said the reason for CC was the elite nations who contributed to such cause as much.

The elite group of nations has enlightened the now progressing nations as its the duty and responsibility of the second and third nation groups to rebuild mother earth as of as it was.

Any interventions by we ourselves to nature is and will be again CC. Then how can we build back better?

1.1K views10:01
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2021-07-31 21:40:40
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Does technological progress make people feel happier?

If in the process of technological and technical progress new kinds of products and services are created that improve the lives of people, it can be assumed that at certain times people may seem to be happier, then people can feel happier.

But after some time, people get used to a certain level of life and look for further stimuli from the world of science, technology, technology, production of goods, provision of new services that will meet the growing human needs.

However, it seems to me that in such a situation one should consider and verify the essence of the concept of happiness.

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714 views18:40
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2021-07-27 18:47:15
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What causes your heart to beat?

The electrical system of your heart is the power source that makes this possible. The impulse starts in a small bundle of specialized cells located in the right atrium, called the SA node. The electrical activity spreads through the walls of the atria and causes them to contract. This forces blood into the ventricles.

1.4K views15:47
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2021-07-24 13:17:01
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What are the environmental concerns that arises when we talk about space tourism?

Space tourism is a new term for us. But the race has already been started. Recently commercial space tourism race was started by Virgin Group founder Sir Richard Branson and Except of Amazon, Jeff Bezos.

Basically their demonstration was to offer the people to reach outer space, feel zero gravity and take a glimpse of Earth from space.

But you might have known a rocket emits 100 times more carbon dioxide for a passenger than a flight. So, if this space tourism race started then imagine the amount of green house gas this industry will emit!

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918 views10:17
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2021-07-20 14:34:59
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How did the Madagascar hissing cockroach got its name?

Well, it hisses, of course. But how it hisses is a little weird. The giant insect forces gas through tiny breathing pores called spiracles on its thorax and abdomen. The cockroaches hiss when surprised, when challenging other cockroaches to a fight and when trying to attract mates.

728 views11:34
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2021-07-16 22:38:00
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How do projectors project the color black?

Projectors do not project the color black. This makes sense since black is really the absence of light, and you can't project something that does not exist.

When a projector sends a beam of light on to a wall or a projector screen so that an image is formed on the wall or screen, the parts of the image that look black are really a very dim white color (which we sometimes call gray).

The projector sends some light to all parts of the image, including the parts that we perceive as black. Some white light is indeed beamed to the parts of the image that are supposed to be black, but the light is typically dim enough in these regions that they look black to our eyes when surrounded by areas of the image that are receiving much more light and therefore are much brighter.

532 views19:38
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2021-07-15 14:56:56
Don’t you want to forget about studying hard by getting help you've always been searching for ?

Join the A+ student community, where you can find a complete set of tools to facilitate your daily student routine & make your life 100% easier

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1.3K views11:56
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2021-07-15 14:08:57
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Polar bears are nearly undetectable by infrared cameras

Thermal cameras detect the heat lost by a subject as infrared, but polar bears are experts at conserving heat. The bears keep warm due to a thick layer of blubber under the skin. Add to this a dense fur coat and they can endure the chilliest Arctic day.

1.7K views11:08
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2021-07-10 11:42:08
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What is the universe made of?

Astronomers face an embarrassing conundrum: they don’t know what 95% of the universe is made of. Atoms, which form everything we see around us, only account for a measly 5%.

Over the past 80 years it has become clear that the substantial remainder is comprised of two shadowy entities – dark matter and dark energy. The former, first discovered in 1933, acts as an invisible glue, binding galaxies and galaxy clusters together. Unveiled in 1998, the latter is pushing the universe’s expansion to ever greater speeds.

Astronomers are closing in on the true identities of these unseen interlopers.

1.2K views08:42
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