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Emotional Intelligence Part of 16/21 prone to blindly acting | Blinkist Summary Book

Emotional Intelligence
Part of 16/21

prone to blindly acting on impulse.
Several very diverse societal factors shape a future community's well-being but obviously emotional intelligence is among the more influential ones.
There are several ways to boost your emotional intelligence.
As we have learnt that emotional intelligence can lead to a fulfilled life you may now be asking if it is possible to boost it.
The answer is yes and a series of exercises can help you achieve this.
If you want to enhance your self-awareness and self-management you can practice using inner dialogues. This will assist you in identifying and naming your feelings.
For example if your friend tells everyone but you about his marital problems you may feel upset. But inner dialogue can help you resolve this. You should ask yourself “Why am I hurt? Because my best friend confided his marital problems to everyone but me.“
Now having identified this feeling and its cause you can dampen its power. You could instead tell yourself “I may feel