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Sapiens Part of 13/26 nvertible into whatever else he might n | Blinkist Summary Book

Part of 13/26

nvertible into whatever else he might need. Or if he promised you a pig you could record the transaction and hold him to his promise when the date arrived.
The emergence of empires and religion pushed humankind in the direction of global unification.
As we have just seen the invention of writing and money made it easier to conduct economic transactions and harder to commit economic fraud. And yet this of course didn’t mean that economies suddenly started behaving smoothly and efficiently. In fact as the societies and economies continued to grow they became more difficult to control and regulate.
So what did human societies do?
They developed laws to regulate how people behaved and systems of authority to ensure that people obeyed them. Thus the first hierarchical societies were born with a king or emperor at the top ruling over everyone else.
Although nowadays we see them as authoritarian and cruel the monarchies and empires of the past provided a great deal of political socia