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Sapiens Part of 14/26 l and economic stability. For one they | Blinkist Summary Book

Part of 14/26

l and economic stability. For one they provided effective bureaucracy that homogenized laws and customs.
For example take the Hammurabi Code a collection of laws issued by the Babylonian King Hammurabi in 1776 BC. This code was a set of laws – instated throughout the entire Babylonian Empire – governing areas such as tax theft and murder. This code of laws established an empire-wide understanding of what was permitted and what was not. Wherever they traveled or traded within the imperial borders people knew which laws and customs to follow.
In order to enforce their laws emperors and kings needed people to accept their authority. This was primarily accomplished by dint of religion. If people accepted that the ruler was placed at the top by the will of the god they would be far more accepting of imperial rule.
For example King Hammurabi legitimized his rule and his code by declaring that he had been appointed by the gods to rule over the citizens of Mesopotamia.
As empires spread th