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Quick Summary of MAGA and the Election Audits Summary: We all | California MAGA (Former Audit Watch)

Quick Summary of MAGA and the Election Audits

We all know the 2020 Election was stolen from President Trump. This is why a certain group of people (The "Titans") have been working together and have been actively running an intelligence operation (PSYOP) on MAGA for over a year to sabotage our movement. Their goal was to keep us quiet, divided, complacent, confused, busy, distracted, and donating little sheep, hoping to crush us and make us go away when absolutely nothing happened. These "Titans" have become the "Prophets" of the MAGA movement, with hundreds of thousands of Telegram followers who hang on every scripture and prayer they post as gospel...and to question them is blasphemous.

This is exactly WHY the Maricopa County audit was a flop, and why MAGA has ZERO wins. Their plan worked.

Lulu and I are the only two channel owners not in their PSYOP. We're also the only two people who have been completely honest with you this entire time. We are two moms who have sacrificed so much to bring you the truth. This is why they keep coming after us, even trying to steal our channels..because they can't control us. They want and need to control 100% of the narrative. They don't want you waking up. They don't want you to know the truth.

This is the TRUTH we have already posted to our channels, and a good place to start: @MAGAToday and @AmericaFirstAudits

Proof we saw their PSYOP May 3rd, and have been trying to blow the whistle ever since.
The people pretending to "help" us are part of the PSYOP, and even named names.
WHO the "Titans" are; and how, when, and where they put their "plans" together to hijack the MAGA movement, January 6th, Stop the Steal, and Audit all 50 States.
The Titans hired trained military and intelligence officers to infiltrate MAGA in both the January 6th rally and the audit movement.
In hindsight, HOW their plan played out, including all of their empty promises, and fictitious claims of Krackens, HUGE fraud, Big BOOM's, Pcaps, and kinematic artifacts, ALL with ZERO results.
Information on how PSYOP's work, and how you can tell if you're in one. We have also given you information you can research on your own so you can figure it out yourself.
How all of the QAnon leaders have been using Q to grift, keep us complacent, lazy, sheep, to keep us out of their way and so we wouldn't question anything.
Follow the money. Who has/is profiting from the events surrounding January 6th (including the prisoner's) and the audit movement?
Asked you to put your ego and loyalty aside so you're in a position to see the ugly TRUTH, even though it will cause you cognitive dissonance.
Provided you with a game plan going forward, including how to take the power away from them. How we take our power back, and how we can be the change.

There is much more to show you. But the bottom line is, until you figure out you're in their PSYOP (cognitive warfare campaign), nothing will change.

Please, wake up MAGA. Our country depends on you to stop following these people and start thinking for yourselves. These people think we're stupid. Please don't prove them right.