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Let me say this again for everyone asking me about specific le | California MAGA (Former Audit Watch)

Let me say this again for everyone asking me about specific leaders in the audit movement, or the audit in general.

This is so much bigger than the Maricopa County audit. It's about protecting their STEAL.

The Globalist + BIG TECH + BIG BUSINESS + MSM threw everything they had at the November 3rd election.

So please, tell me... Why would they go to all of that time and effort to STEAL the Presidency of the United States away from President Donald J. Trump...ONLY to leave the audits alone?

That makes absolutely no sense.

Doesn't it make more sense they STOLE the election AND they FIXED the audits in their favor?

Occam's razor says: "The simplest explanation is usually the best one."

MAGA is the only non-compliant population they cannot control. So, doesn't it also make sense the best way to control MAGA voters is to control their Narrative?

Saul Alinsky was spot on when he wrote, “He who controls the language controls the masses.”

Since history has proven Saul correct, what would be the easiest way to control the MAGA narrative/language?

The answer: Funnel them all to Telegram.

It's not a coincidence we all ended up here after BIG TECH banned and censored us everywhere else.

Once again, "The simplest explanation is usually the best one."

This is all I'm suggesting. The simplest explanations explain EVERYTHING I've been saying. They currently control 95% of the Narrative in Telegram. All but two channels. Mine and AFA.

This is why I'm trying to get everyone to step back and look at the bigger picture. MAGA needs to wake up and regroup so we can take back the narrative and our country, ASAP!


Mom. Grandma. Patriot.