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Importance of Indian Ocean for India: Long Maritime Boundar | CSE MAINS BOOSTER

Importance of Indian Ocean for India:

Long Maritime Boundary:With a coastline of over 7,500 km, India has a natural interest in enhancing maritime security.

Securing Sea lanes of Communication:In the Indian Ocean, three major Sea Lanes Of Communication (SLOCS) play a crucial role in the energy security and economic prosperity

SLOC connecting the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean through the Bab al-Mandab(that transports the bulk of Asia’s international trade with its major trading partners in Europe and America).

SLOC connecting thePersian Gulf to the Indian Ocean through the Strait of Hormuz (transporting the bulk of energy exports to major import destinations like India, ASEAN, and East Asia).

SLOC connecting theIndian and Pacific Oceans through the Straits of Malacca (integral to the smooth flow of trade with ASEAN, East Asia, Russia’s Far East and the US).

The Indian Ocean region transports 75% of the world’s maritime trade and 50% of daily global oil consumption.