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India’s Maritime Initiatives: Disaster Management:The fallo | CSE MAINS BOOSTER

India’s Maritime Initiatives:

Disaster Management:The fallout of the 2004 tsunami, which took a heavy toll on human and natural resources, led to the creation of an Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System by the UN in 2005. Through this, an international network seeks to prevent a recurrence of such devastation.

Anti-Piracy Operations:Faced with the increased threat from piracy originating off the coast of Somalia since 2007 to shipping in the western Indian Ocean, the Indian Navy participated robustly as part of a UNSC mandated 60-country Contact Group on Piracy off the coast of Somalia.

SAGAR policy: India launched SAGAR(Security and Growth for All) initiative which proposes an integrated regional framework to enhance maritime security in the Indian Ocean & focuses on following 5 pillars .

Role of India– as a net security provider in the region.

Active engagement with friendly countries– to enhance the maritime security capacities and economic resilience of these countries.

Advancing peace and security– by developing a network to take effective collective action.

Ensuring sustainable development in the region– through integrated and cooperative focus on the future of the IOR.

Collective approach– ensuring that the primary responsibility for peace, stability and prosperity in the IOR would be on those “who live in this region”.

The primary responsibility for peace, stability and prosperity in the IOR would be on those “who live in this region”.

Abiding by the International Law:India accepted the United Nations Convention for the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) tribunal award on the maritime boundary arbitration between India and Bangladesh.

It envisaged contributing a new impulse to effective international economic cooperation among the littoral states of the Bay of Bengal (BIMSTEC).

Data Sharing:Sharing data on threats to commercial shipping is an important component of enhancing maritime security.

In this context, India established anInternational Fusion Centre (IFC) for the Indian Ocean region in Gurugram in 2018.

IFC is jointly administered by the Indian Navy and Indian Coast Guard. IFC serves the objective of generating Maritime Domain Awareness on safety and security issues.