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Other Advantages of having a robust maritime strategy: Prot | CSE MAINS BOOSTER

Other Advantages of having a robust maritime strategy:

Protection from sea-based threats to India’s territorial integrity.

Ensuring Stability in India’s maritime neighbourhood.

Creation, development, and sustenance of a ‘Blue’ Economy, incorporating.

The preservation, promotion, pursuit and protection of offshore infrastructure and maritime resources within and beyond the Maritime Zones of India (MZI).

The promotion, protection and safety of India’s overseas and coastal seaborne trade and her Sea Lines of Communication (SLOCs), and, the ports that constitute the nodes of this trade; and Support to marine scientific research, including that in Antarctica and the Arctic.

The provision of holistic maritime security — i.e., freedom from threats arising ‘in’ or ‘from’ the sea.

Provision of support succour and extrication-options to the Indian Diaspora.

Obtaining and retaining a regionally favourable geostrategic maritime-position.