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Way Forward International Cooperation:Sustaining internatio | CSE MAINS BOOSTER

Way Forward

International Cooperation:Sustaining international cooperation to enhance maritime security requires two supportive frameworks in the policy and operational areas.

Rule-of-law Based Approach:There is a need to review the operational effectiveness of the UNCLOS.

Especially regarding the enforcement of its provisions on freedom of navigation, the sustainable exploitation of maritime resources, and the peaceful resolution of disputes.

Securing the Sea Lanes of Communication:Securing SLOCs that traverse the oceans is of central importance to enhancing maritime security.

Thus, the global debate must focus on ensuring equal and unrestricted access to SLOCs by states while resolving differences through peaceful means.

Engaging Private Sector:There is a need for an increasing role of the private sector in the maritime domain, whether it is in shipping, or in sustainable development through the Blue Economy.

Further, the use of the maritime domain can be leveraged to provide the critical submarine fibre-optic cables supporting the Digital Economy.

The ability of the UNSC to respond to the debate by endorsing a multiple stakeholder approach to enhancing maritime security would be a significant outcome, setting a paradigm for upholding “multi-dimensional” security in the 21st century.